The Gathering


Why A Gathering?

When the Divine Mother channeled that it was time for a Gathering I felt a quickening. Her words ignited a hope deep within me: “You are emerging into a brand-new world. It is time to gather and to reconnect. It is a time for a gathering of the tribes – all the tribes: the tribe of love, the tribe of light, the tribe of star seeds, the tribes of the angels, the ancients, the earthkeepers and wisdom holders, the tribe of warriors. It is a time to come together from every corner of Gaia  – to come together to discuss NOT who’s right, who’s wrong, who’s entitled, who’s judged, who’s wanting.”

Gatherings are ancient. As human beings came to realize they were not alone on Gaia, they came together to trade, learn, celebrate, conduct ceremonies, and share visions. But mostly they came together out of that quintessential human heart yearning for connection. That’s what Gatherings are all about, realizing that we are not alone in the world and that there is a safe place to be ourselves, to express our truths, and to unite as a sacred circle. To allow our social façade to fade and express what we believe and know to be true feeds our very souls.

In the past week, Mother took me on a really sweet vision tour of all our COL Gatherings. She didn’t just cover the annual gatherings but brought me back to the very beginning when half a dozen of us would meet in somebody’s living room; when the ‘gals’ would go to Joshua Tree and sleep out on Crystal Mountain. She reminded me of Victory 2000 when we came together to anchor the first City of Light, even before we knew there were Cities of Light. That year we made angel wings for our sunrise ceremony, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the sheer joy of standing on the small Sedona airport runway watching the sun peak over the ridge, and hearing the air traffic controller broadcast out “Angels on the runway, angels on the runway.” Sedona was a much more flexible place back then…

Gatherings are intended to be different than courses. The overriding purpose of a Gathering is to come together and share heart to heart to heart. While there is always new information and guidance regarding the upcoming year(s), it is that golden opportunity to really be together with your soul family. We are so grateful for the virtual technology that allows this connection from every corner of the planet. This hybrid mix of in-person and online adds a unique and special quality. Interestingly enough, the Mother tells me that the interest in meeting in person will in fact re-emerge powerfully. Our need to connect has never been stronger, to find and forge peaceful ways to build Nova Earth is front and center. Regardless of tribe or belief system.

Of course, I reeeally hope that you will join us at our Gathering next week, Harmonizing with Divine Radiance. I strongly feel that we are shepherding in a whole new era, not only in terms of the wonderful presence of the Council of Love Teachers but in terms of our next step as humanity. We made this promise eons ago and we’re here to fulfill it now, not in the sense of drudgery or obligation, but in the sheer joy of claiming and doing what we are really truly capable of. I hope you can join us!

For more information or to register click here. 



From My Heart to Yours, All my Love xxx, Linda

Linda Dillon

Founder, Council of Love


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