Final Reminder, Healing Begins Soon

My friend,


A gentle final note to remind you that this Sunday is the last day to join our upcoming 21 Days of Healing.


Those of you who have been part of previous 21 Days of Healing know how life-changing and miraculous they are, and we’re so excited to do it again!


It all begins on the Solstice, June 21st and continues through July 11th.

Here’s what you will receive:

Daily healing energy sent to you remotely + a review of everything we worked on that day.


Two Zoom group healing sessions that include Q&A and 1 on 1 support, (a recording will be provided.)


Extra support, spiritual guidance and updates in our Private Healing Community.


And so much more!


During these 21 days you will also:


  • Resolve stagnant emotional patterns, shift limiting beliefs, and release attachments to the past.
  • Overcome fear patterns of survival you’ve carried on behalf of your ancestors.
  • Connect with and embrace the Source field of Oneness.
  • Amplify your embodiment of love — no matter how anyone else acts around you.
  • Create a safe space for your inner child to heal.
  • Learn how to make yourself a priority and implement the unconditional self-love and self-acceptance that will support you in doing so.
  • Awaken the peace, love, joy, play, fun, ease, well-being, and creativity within you.

We are offering this 21 Day of Healing journey via sliding scale, to ensure everyone who desires to be part of it, can do so with ease.


This special offer ends Sunday, July 18th.


With love,



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