A Message to Light Bringers: Viewing Life Thru the High Heart 💜


Greetings, Beautiful Being!

I want to take a moment to thank those of you who have followed these weekly channeled Messages for so long — some of you, since they started in 2014.

Wow — you’re amazing! Your ongoing support and encouragement mean more than I can say.

So thank you again!

And in this week’s Message, the Collective speak of the reawakening of ancient structures such as Chaco Canyon, built long ago with the help of the Star Nations. 

They also speak of the power of imaging the mono-atomic gold dust coming in from our Sun Sol, and of the resulting shift from left-brain thought to the high heart:

“Your consciousness is dropping down into the heart-space, and coming out of a severe left-brain preoccupation, because you’re realizing it’s time to let that go now. Left-brain reasoning doesn’t answer to everything.

“There are things that the heart-space and the spirit will understand, that the mind has not yet developed the ability to grasp.

And so you may feel at times that you are in a situation that is difficult for you. If you can just take a moment, and come down into the heart-space, and pretend you’re looking out at that situation through the heart-space.

“And through the heart, see what is truly happening there.

“It will not appear to you as it did when you were looking at it purely from this highly rational aspect of not only left-brain, but the trained impulse to make everything make sense according to your mind.

“What you are looking at, dear ones, is the development of the higher self within the human body.

“And accepting fifth dimensional vibrational reality within how you view your daily reality. This is a huge shift!

“This is the biggest leap humanity has ever undergone . . .”

Go here for the full Message.

Unprecedented levels of Love, support, and encouragement flow to us now, in these sentient, golden Light particles flowing to the Earth.

They are speaking the language of higher Light to every particle of our Being — supporting us in becoming our higher selves!

Despite all the madness, this is such an amazing time to be here!

Much Love to you, my friend (and yes — May the 4th Be With You!)

P S  Are you feeling stuck, and unable to create what you want?

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