Expanding Consciousness.


I Dear Family,
On June 3rd, 2022, I pulled one card for myself from a deck I hardly use, stating that I wanted to know what was going on with me on my soul journey because I felt I was ‘stuck’ and couldn’t move forward due to challenging health concerns. I pulled a card from “Luminaries” by Arlene Arnold. The card that came up was “Celebration”.

Something To Consider: Hear the trumpets declare the wonder of the spheres. Join the chorus in joyous celebration! New life bursts forth as the old transforms.

A Reflection on “Celebration”: Join the mighty throng of souls welcoming home an anticipated song of joy. Transformed from seeds of possibility, now radiate your magnificent colors. As a brilliant flower in full bloom, join others to co-create new octaves of experience.

A Message from “Celebration”: I am joy as the harvest is reaped. I am a heavenly chorus declaring it is time! You have stayed the course. You have persevered through the darkness. You have triumphed beyond all expectations. Sound the gong. Clash the cymbols. Celebrate a job well done!

A Question You Might Ask: “How do I express celebration in the midst of seeming chaos?”

Practice faith by celebrating the world in your mind’s eye that is beauty, peace, and all the qualities you have longed for, much as a peacock displaying its vibrant feathers. Know that the blueprint has entered the energetic gateway. The physical confirmation will follow. You will see what you have longed for. Visualizing these qualities right now quickly brings them into day-to-day reality.
It seems that external appearances are not at all as they seem!

My friend Isabelle mentioned (June 10, 2022) that according to her sources, there was a major shift in Ascension levels in this Earth in a 24 hour period that began on June 7th, 2022. There has also been a re-opening of a time portal which must be taken advantage of by humanity. It is an excellent time to imprint this new reality with what you want it to manifest as.

June 24, 2022 – I had also ordered an Aura Reading from Edwin Courtenay which I found an interesting confirmation of the card I pulled. I need to transcribe it and then I will post the link to it on my Landing Page when I have it done.

Also on July 16, 2022 – There will be a Special Event – Star Temple Activation…What an opportunity…I am so excited! When I saw it I said “Adam Kadmon…YES!” I AM ON IT! and then paid. I read all the details later. 😀
HILARION – JUNE 30, 2022

JUNEDear Family,
On June 3rd, 2022, I pulled one card for myself from a deck I hardly use, stating that I wanted to know what was going on with me on my soul journey because I felt I was ‘stuck’ and couldn’t move forward due to challenging health concerns. I pulled a card from “Luminaries” by Arlene Arnold. The card that came up was “Celebration”.

Something To Consider: Hear the trumpets declare the wonder of the spheres. Join the chorus in joyous celebration! New life bursts forth as the old transforms.

A Reflection on “Celebration”: Join the mighty throng of souls welcoming home an anticipated song of joy. Transformed from seeds of possibility, now radiate your magnificent colors. As a brilliant flower in full bloom, join others to co-create new octaves of experience.

A Message from “Celebration”: I am joy as the harvest is reaped. I am a heavenly chorus declaring it is time! You have stayed the course. You have persevered through the darkness. You have triumphed beyond all expectations. Sound the gong. Clash the cymbols. Celebrate a job well done!

A Question You Might Ask: “How do I express celebration in the midst of seeming chaos?”

Practice faith by celebrating the world in your mind’s eye that is beauty, peace, and all the qualities you have longed for, much as a peacock displaying its vibrant feathers. Know that the blueprint has entered the energetic gateway. The physical confirmation will follow. You will see what you have longed for. Visualizing these qualities right now quickly brings them into day-to-day reality.
It seems that external appearances are not at all as they seem!

My friend Isabelle mentioned (June 10, 2022) that according to her sources, there was a major shift in Ascension levels in this Earth in a 24 hour period that began on June 7th, 2022. There has also been a re-opening of a time portal which must be taken advantage of by humanity. It is an excellent time to imprint this new reality with what you want it to manifest as.

June 24, 2022 – I had also ordered an Aura Reading from Edwin Courtenay which I found an interesting confirmation of the card I pulled. I need to transcribe it and then I will post the link to it on my Landing Page when I have it done.

Also on July 16, 2022 – There will be a Special Event – Star Temple Activation…What an opportunity…I am so excited! When I saw it I said “Adam Kadmon…YES!” I AM ON IT! and then paid. I read all the details later. 😀
HILARION – JUNE 30, 2022

Chapter Two “Winter Wildfire” was postponed!
Here is what the latest Update shared this morning. “We have some important news to share. Our riveting and much-anticipated Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire will be postponed, no longer airing on July 1st.

To bring you the most exceptional final product, our team feels the storyline requires further development. The cross-Canada journey was extensive and sparked a wildfire involving many Canadians who we intend to represent to their fullest potential. This requires more interviews with grassroots convoy participants, ensuring everyone is properly represented. Currently, we are embarked on another production tour, capturing additional stories and footage.”

Did You Know This?
I confess that I did not!
Caught Between Two Worlds: How an Empire Perverted Canada’s Destiny
Ehret, Matthew

The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human – May 31 2022
by Naomi Wolf

Chapter Two “Winter Wildfire” was postponed!
Here is what the latest Update shared this morning. “We have some important news to share. Our riveting and much-anticipated Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire will be postponed, no longer airing on July 1st.

To bring you the most exceptional final product, our team feels the storyline requires further development. The cross-Canada journey was extensive and sparked a wildfire involving many Canadians who we intend to represent to their fullest potential. This requires more interviews with grassroots convoy participants, ensuring everyone is properly represented. Currently, we are embarked on another production tour, capturing additional stories and footage.”

Did You Know This?
I confess that I did not!
Caught Between Two Worlds: How an Empire Perverted Canada’s Destiny
Ehret, Matthew

The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human – May 31 2022
by Naomi Wolf to know what was going on with me on my soul journey because I felt I was ‘stuck’ and couldn’t move forward due to challenging health concerns. I pulled a card from “Luminaries” by Arlene Arnold. The card that came up was “Celebration”. 

Something To Consider: Hear the trumpets declare the wonder of the spheres. Join the chorus in joyous celebration! New life bursts forth as the old transforms.

A Reflection on “Celebration”: Join the mighty throng of souls welcoming home an anticipated song of joy. Transformed from seeds of possibility, now radiate your magnificent colors. As a brilliant flower in full bloom, join others to co-create new octaves of experience.

A Message from “Celebration”:  I am joy as the harvest is reaped. I am a heavenly chorus declaring it is time! You have stayed the course. You have persevered through the darkness. You have triumphed beyond all expectations. Sound the gong. Clash the cymbols. Celebrate a job well done! 

A Question You Might Ask:  “How do I express celebration in the midst of seeming chaos?”

Practice faith by celebrating the world in your mind’s eye that is beauty,  peace, and all the qualities you have longed for, much as a peacock displaying its vibrant feathers. Know that the blueprint has entered the energetic gateway. The physical confirmation will follow. You will see what you have longed for. Visualizing these qualities right now quickly brings them into day-to-day reality.
It seems that external appearances are not at all as they seem!

My friend Isabelle mentioned (June 10, 2022) that according to her sources, there was a major shift in Ascension levels in this Earth in a 24 hour period that began on June 7th, 2022. There has also been a re-opening of a time portal which must be taken advantage of by humanity. It is an excellent time to imprint this new reality with what you want it to manifest as.

June 24, 2022 – I had also ordered an Aura Reading from Edwin Courtenay which I found an interesting confirmation of the card I pulled. I need to transcribe it and then I will post the link to it on my Landing Page when I have it done.

Also on July 16, 2022 – There will be a Special Event – Star Temple Activation…What an opportunity…I am so excited!  When I saw it I said “Adam Kadmon…YES!” I AM ON IT! and then paid. I read all the details later. 😀
HILARION – JUNE 30, 2022

Chapter Two “Winter Wildfire” was postponed! 

Here is what the latest Update shared this morning. “We have some important news to share. Our riveting and much-anticipated Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire will be postponed, no longer airing on July 1st.

To bring you the most exceptional final product, our team feels the storyline requires further development.  The cross-Canada journey was extensive and sparked a wildfire involving many Canadians who we intend to represent to their fullest potential.  This requires more interviews with grassroots convoy participants, ensuring everyone is properly represented.  Currently, we are embarked on another production tour, capturing additional stories and footage.”



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