Ascension Earth 20140124 Working for an Archangel



Posted by Steve Beckow 

I said earlier that I’d share some of the counsel that Archangel Michael has given me in personal readings. I do so for its possible usefulness.

I should say at the outset that Archangel Michael is the best boss I’ve ever worked for, by a country mile. He’s considerate, supportive, kind, everything anyone could ever want from a boss.

Even though I grumble at times about the slowness of events, the lack of tangible signs, and the seemingly endless struggle to make ends meet, his kindness and compassion win me over every time. I wish everyone could enjoy personal contact with him and, for those who cannot for any reason, I share some of my own experience here.

Today I’d like to look at the guidance he’s offered me around writing. Some of the things he says are helpful. Some show what the Company of Heaven wants from us in the area of communication. Some of them are just fun and inspiring.

On May 6th of 2013, he suggested to me:

“Dear heart, what I want you to accomplish is joy and that is one of the most massive undertakings that I will ever ask of thee.  … I want peace to reign in your body, your heart and your mind and I want you to write about it. ” (1)

In February of 2013, he suggested that: “The anchoring of greater love. That is what all of this is about. It is the anchoring of the purity, the grace, the joy, of love.” (2)

On April 25th of that same year, he gave me more details of what he wanted.

“You are showing people and sharing with people how your star brothers and sisters react, or receive, some of the harsher emotional fields.

“You are showing how to discern what comes through as truth, how to act on truth, how to simply dismiss and let go of what does not resonate as truth. Because when it is dismissed, it simply is washed away, flushed away. It does not need ever to be engaged as drama.

“It is the teaching and the sharing of the assumption of not only personal responsibility ― and that is a word that is often avoided ― and taking action in the here and now of your reality, to go forward. And it is a feeling of ‘no matter what.’” (3)

On that same occasion, he reminded me of the necessity of having many voices from many perspectives explaining matters and commenting.

“It is a time of incredible, remarkable, miraculous transformation for the human race. And there is a need for many voices, different slants on the same process, the same journey, for people to come to understand that transformation is not only a process; it is a choice.

“And it is the choices that are being made, not the big choices ― of course, that includes the big choice to go forward ― but it is the small, everyday decisions, actions, and making time to understand the impact of what you are doing, and allowing the partnership with us, the partnership with their own guardians ― what they think of as guardian angels or guides ― to allow that to emerge, and to allow what may at moments feel dissociative, may feel confusing, but to keep going. …

“There is a difference between having an edge and a very strong relevance to what is being written about and talked about and experienced, without having it as high drama. So, you are, through yourself and your writing, through demonstration, showing how to let go of drama ― this cancer, the largest human addiction.”  (4)

He does not require me to do what I don’t enjoy. So, for instance, I’m not as attracted to speaking engagements as I am to writing and he’s responded:

“You’re under no obligation to do these.  You do them out of love and support for your team [as at Sedona, for instance].  You do it out of a sense of building community and unity.  But let me be very clear.  You’re under no obligation.  We’re having a very serious talk today about our agreement – yes, yours and mine – and also about your mission and purpose.” (5)

Nonetheless if he invited me on a space trip and I wanted to speak about it, I probably would have no hesitation, he noted.

“Now if you were to go to a conference and you were to have a conversation about the time you spent twelve days on a spaceship with me, you would feel like you were eager to go and have something to say. But you would have already written about it.

“So writing is your metier. It is who you are. It is what you do. It is the platform that you build.

“So do not worry about your, shall we say, diminished enthusiasm for these other types of verbal venues.  It is simply not your preference.”  (6)

He doesn’t want those tasked with writing to rise by the Peter Principle to a place of administering. In my case, he’s asked me to resist the temptation to administer.

“You are doing the thing that not only I but the universal Mother, the sacred being that we both serve, wishes you to do, and that is to write, to communicate. And in the writing is infused the anchoring and the bringing of peace to the planet, the creation of Nova Gaia. …

“Keep writing. There’s no shortage of material, as you well know. And yes, in many ways you are a gatherer and a harvester of information. You put pieces together that people have not perhaps made the linkages between. You give them in plain speaking, albeit elaborate at times, ways to understand not only what you are saying but their own journey, their own process and their own moving forward.

“This is first and foremost.. The least priority is involving yourself in administrative minutiae. It is not who you are. It is not why you are here. It is not even what you are good at.

“You make the effort out of the kindness of your heart, but on the list of things to do, let it always be the last thing, that falls off.”   (7)

So this is the tenor of discussion of one’s mission if one works for an archangel. Certainly in starting this blog, I had no idea at the time that the arrangements we have now – radio shows, the Hope Chest, projects which are on the drawing board for the future – would be happening and even less idea that they would go on under the watchful supervision of beings such as he.

But if only the bosses we’ve had in this lifetime could be like this, how enjoyable our work lives would become, instead of the often stultifying and uninspiring ways we’ve sometimes treated each other in the workplace. But then, in the eyes of “the world,”  archangels don’t exist. I’m working for a spook.

But I love this spook and I wouldn’t trade our relationship for anything the “real world” has to offer.


(1) Personal Reading with Archangel Michael and Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013.

(2) Ibid., Feb. 7, 2013.

(3) Ibid., April 25, 2013.

(4) Loc. cit.

(5) Ibid., March 8, 2013.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) Ibid., Feb. 7, 2013.




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