Contacting Beings of Light 20140101 New Year or New Here, You Are on Your Way



Channeler: Pleiadian Renegades

Looking ahead into the year before you, we were going to tell you a few things that might settle your minds about the things that are most likely to appear on your world screen. However, upon thinking it over, we decided instead to tell you some of the things that would not be coming your way, to settle minds far and wide in a more satisfying way. Sometimes, it’s better to know what isn’t going to happen than it is to know what is likely, and from there make the necessary daring moves on your part to make even more wonderful things happen.

First, we would like to point out that there is no danger of the last big comet colliding with the Earth. While you may be seeing more fireballs in the sky in the coming days and weeks, you will not take a direct hit in a catastrophic bowling-ball style. So don’t worry about that. There are some other things in the inner reaches of your solar system that may catch your attention, and when they show up we will have more to say on that matter. For now, enjoy the days of sunshine and know that you are well shielded from celestial loose cannons.
In the environmental disaster that you know as Fukushima, there is concern that the entire planet will be flooded with radioisotopes in such a way that life will not continue, that entire nations will be infected with damaging ionizing radiation and genetic mutations, or that the global ecosystem will fail. Let this be one thing you do not have to lose your cool about: We are guarding the facility to what extent we are able and have been monitoring the progress of its demise. While there are indeed high levels of radioactive toxicity in your world, it is out of the question that it would entirely wipe out life or civilization in any way that would prevent the human species from maintaining their evolutionary course as it has been set. You have decisions to make, yet there is one thing you can be assured of. The long period of disinformation is about to end, the truth is coming out, and we are working to alleviate the worst of the effects. In the final analysis, there is no such thing as a nuclear nightmare about to happen, and while there are many who are in harm’s way in the learning curve that is public awareness of global catastrophe, your world will not disintegrate and the race will live on to see a brighter day. Those who have made the choice at the level of soul before incarnating here, who will have direct effects from this event and its fallout, will be given the opportunity to explore their decision and give their experience the kind of reflection they destined themselves to do. There are no innocent victims, though there are casualties, and with the pain of loss comes a soul integration that for the most part remains unseen while you are still on the plane of existence that is the world stage.
If the revolution doesn’t happen on schedule according to the plans of the overlords who have navigated through it so far, it will indeed get going on schedule for those who have a very real interest in seeing things settled in a new groove, one that allows humanity to flourish on its own terms and not under the oppressive rule of the erstwhile leaders of the dragon brigands who have carved out their lair in the suburban paradise of earth’s life-sustaining garden. They will not like the outcome, perhaps, but then again, it was never a hard and fast rule that they would win on their terms, only that they would work towards bending the game to their favor while keeping a few cards up their sleeves. The turn of events that comes in the year 2014 is going to have a lot of people recalibrating their way of looking at things, and the way reality is going to be impacted, we don’t see the continuance of life under the present system as something that you’ll be aware of for much longer. Be aware, however, that the present system is part of a greater and grander system that you may not yet be able to fully appreciate, and the ones who are acting in the shadows will have their own dramas to fulfill while you have the stage and spotlight on your own revelations of understanding and love.
Finally, to turn your attention to the skies, where many of you have been straining your eyes to see a speck of shiny metal silently gliding over the disbelieving populace, we say please don’t expect that there will be an invasion from outer space. It is not our style to participate in such theatrics, and the truth is, anything that you see as invasionary tactics will be coming from those already firmly established on the ground among you. While some of our crew are indeed walking the halls and byways of your world’s higher-vibratory-compatible areas, we are not and will not be part of an invasion force. Rather, our preference for contact takes a more intimate route of meeting face to face when the time is right for communion between our world and another’s to commence. That time may well be at hand, it is true, but you will not be witness to the kind of blastingly big theatrical entertainment that some would have you expect. We have more to say on this, and will comment further as the need arises for you to be ready for the next level of information. Many of you are well prepared and many of you are making the final steps toward becoming prepared for open contact. While others are not and probably will never be ready to participate in the direct contact scenario that is lately emerging, there are many who may yet surprise even themselves at the kinds of awakening they will soon see in their own lives. Don’t give up on everyone just yet, dear friends. There is room for many more to join the party, and we are prepared to welcome your sleepy comrades just as much as we are prepared to welcome you.
Is this enough to get you geared up for the birth of 2014? It is enough that you can begin to understand the level of expectancy that surrounds the emergent year from our side of the timeline. We are so open to you as friends and guides, if you have anything that feels like the sense you can make out of it is in need of some illumination from loving minds and hearts. We are just a breath away, dear friends. It is our pleasure and honor to initiate this communication with you, and we are happy to take it further. If you ever want to talk, we are available. Remember that we are with you, we are among you, and we are watching and waiting for you to arrive at the moment of meeting. We are here, and we wish you all the light of the new day to shine in your hearts with the brilliance of a love intent on living in the opalescent terrestrial company of a humanity at one with itself as people of the third planet, sun Sol, galactic group Alcyone. We look forward to welcoming you into the reality of redefined terrestriality! Be of good cheer and look in love with each other into a new day’s light.    

channeled by Maryann Rada,
Renegade Thoughts: Pleiadian Ruminations from Nine,




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