Ascended Masters 20120815 Guardians of the Last Hope – Thoth ‘the Atlantean’ – THE MAGDALENE SPEAKS As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


We all come to an intersection of self and soul, light and dark, gray matter and everything in-between. August has asked us to walk forward into the dark passageways of time using only the light we hold in our heart. It has wrapped its energies around us like a boa squeezing us until we say ‘uncle.’  


This month has demanded our undivided attention.  Like glass, we have shattered only to be replaced with a solar mirror reflection of what is possible. We have been asked to expand past any perimeters of lack or limitation into a place of undiluted freedom. This month has sent some button pushing master teachers in the form of anyone and anything we have a charged reaction to. It has asked us to bend over touch our cosmic toes and still balance on the high wire of light, all the while juggling our regular life.


The teachings of August have been like a drill sergeant in your face, breaking down all that does not serve one. You cannot run, hide or shield yourself from these learning’s, as they stick to one like a cosmic spider web. August has always been a month of transformation, pushing us into new teachings before the colors change in the autumn. Breathing deeply and continually asking for divine insight and clarity will bring one to edge of their old selves. Like a fledging you can be pushed from the comfy nest or learn to fly on your own. The mechanics of manifestation and creation is being re-defined.  The words ‘want and need’ will no longer describe who you are.  The words “have, create, deserve, receive” will be where you land.  


Humanity is the only species that was made in the Creator’s image holding all the credentials for doing great feats. We are the last Hope of a loving God that sees the future of this blue-green sphere and is dependant upon humanity to move past its self-imposed trials and tribulations.  Finally securing its place in the universe. We the people can never stop believing in better days, in the goodness of mankind, and  in universal justice.  We can never stop believing in our dreams, for ourselves and those we love.


Darkness feeds on doubt and fear. It wants us to give up and give in to a bleak future with no hope. We are the Guardians of the last Hope fueled by the Creators belief and faith in us it is our mission and duty to hold this Light of Hope high for all to see. Let your light shine on what seems like the darkest of days. For one spark of Hope can ignite an entire world. The very word ‘Hope is a #8 vibration’ connecting us endlessly in an upward spiral to the heavenly realms.



Thoth ‘the Atlantean’  

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


I am He who advances on the waves and the intricacies of wisdom that is held shadowed and hidden from the self that sees not. I am He who unfolds himself in each of the atomic structures of your body. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts, within the angles of your heart and the perspective of your motives. I am Thoth. The Atlantean.


 I come on this day as I see each of you reaching outward to become more, reaching upward to longitudes of knowledge that you once sat upon. You will become sublimated on levels of knowledge drawing the moisture of your wisdom into a place that has been parched and dry of truth. Contracting as a spring that pulses upward and then bounds out to places unknown and unmapped.


You shall dwell in the caverns of your own thoughts, of your own ideas of what peace shall be, of what love shall be, of what your future shall be. For as the ancient scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the Light within, condensing it into a structure that is easy to house.


Your body and its energy systems represent a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The Queen’s Chamber, in the center represents the human and divine heart. The King’s Chamber represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Invisible capstone, the Apex represents the crown chakra. Think of that divine pyramidal structure and all of its heavenly alignments and chambers of attunement.


In upcoming time there will be an initiatory surge of frequency within your own biology as well as the dormant hidden chambers within the Great Pyramid. There will be an opening of your High Heart, your Christed Heart. It will awaken as directed by an atomic cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Son/Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular change.


The point above your human heart awakens from a timed sleep and begins to know itself again. It is the place that holds the vibration of the ‘Quantum Christ’. It is in this place that a stellar ‘Second Coming’ is activated.  It is a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom.  Wisdom goes beyond truth and you each are guardians of these ‘Chambers of Wisdom’.


You of earth are guardians/ keepers of sacred encodings. They will open as a flower that has been in bud too long seeking to know itself as a flower. Your dreams of old have fallen off you like petals on a plucked rose they no longer serve who you are becoming. This new molecular instruction will allow new direction for your light. You will move naturally toward vibrations that instruct you into a different knowledge that serves the new shift in consciousness.


I, Thoth, come to awaken you to the cosmic by-pass of the heart. Your heart has gathered too much debris of your own making.  You have scooted to the back of your heart trying hard to keep it all out of your way. As the Quantum Christ Is Awakened within your high heart and the Chamber of the Son/Sun is awakened within the Great Pyramid, you will be lifted above the gathering of earthly conflict, confusion, and debris. It is from this point that you will be able to dissolve the tears and the fears that have followed you in shadow dance.


You No longer need sit in the shadow of what could have been, what should have been.  Energies and programming of old try to keep you hostage in a prediction that no longer exists. Step out of time and step in time with what seeks your approval. The pictures of life do not reveal the whole puzzle.  Celebrate the birth of the Quantum Christ within yourself and see from the top of your light what is possible. I am Thoth keeper of what is to come.




As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


I am the vibration, the energy and the clarity of the one that is known as the Magdalene.  As Time written unhooks herself, she looks for the ancient tales that she has been dragging behind her for far too long.  I as the vibration of the Magdalene. I have waited for this time, this day, this place to announce in the fullness of Light in front of God, country, man, and religion what it truly means to love so deeply a man that has been become Christed and seen brighter than a sun.  I have waited long to be acknowledged as a partner in Light.  In this acknowledgement of my union with Christ I do not wish to belittle others, nor I do not wish to strong-arm any religion, bending it to my truth.  I do not wish to cause controversy in a world already full of upheavals. 


I represent all women. Those that love without cause or justification. Those that cry for all those that refuse to feel or show pain. I represent that which is unfounded and yet eternal of nature. That which does not cease. I am the hidden text within the light exposing that which is deep in the womb of time. I have always been depicted as sketches in time to show what was hidden.  Each day I too would fight my fears and nightmares as I walked in a world that was fast asleep. A world that could not nor cannot see what is right in front of them.


All that I have stood for from the beginning of time is a feminine Christed possibility. I represent the Goddess, the mother the feminine within all that is human and female. I but mirror the abilities that those of my teachings need to embrace finally allowing this sacred marriage to be seen in the fullness of time and sacred text. I have acknowledged my own divinity by embracing the Son of God within my own heart and body. His holy presence, which mirrored my own, consumed me. I created from a different angle of light than he, bringing new colors to the rainbow of earth. 


It is not that I wish acknowledgement myself for over 2000 years of historical displacement but I want earth to embrace the fact that a Christed bloodline lives physically within the bodies of many, on earth.    So many have focused on the injustice that was done to me as I was swept under the rug of time and cut from the pages of the ancient scrolls but all of that to me is water poured unto a river, it matters not.


What I want acknowledged is neither the harshness of my existence nor the secrecy of it.  What I want to bring forth is the holy bloodline. A physical bloodline that hosts a myriad of holy abilities.  Many religions in your world have sequestered the truths away, keeping the masses in torturous devices of falsehoods.  Many religions see Christ the man so holy that for him to have even touched or loved a woman in a desirous way would make him less than, too human, too weak, to every be a god.


What this says loud and clear is that love and marriage is not holy, is not divine and is considered unclean by many that wear dim robes of disgust.  Religion looks at the very thought of Jesus actually loving someone, as something that is detrimental to his divine memory, harmful to his Holiness. Marriage is a creation of a divine trinity. It is when two acknowledge a deep binding love and create a divine contract blessed by God. 


I came to earth as a Daughter of Light. A daughter of light that lost her way for many years, looking for what she could not see.  A Daughter of Light, that searched through sacred text and traveled many a mile to find what was Holy, what was truth and what was to come.


In my humanness I got lost and forgot. Then one day I came eye to eye with my Beloved.  As the darkness of my eyes and the blueness of His came together we were as two galaxies finally touching, and remembering they were once one.  The vastness of that connection created a ripple effect through time. 


We have always been a Sacred Couple, married throughout time without question. We sequestered our love deep behind glances, behind touches, behind truths that were passed back and forth.  He knew of what was to come, as did I.  I had dreamt so many times of his death, he would comfort me in the night.  These were part of the demons that he cast out for I had the dreams many years before I ever met him.  He knew that all of those nightmares held me in shackles, and pain.  It was my mortification and then he released me.  As he did a great black veil was lifted from my heart, from my eyes.  I saw my light and destiny with such clarity I never faltered once from that knowing.


In his walk upon earth, he was lonely beyond words. We had been in contact since we were children, many times in the same location and just like children, we would tease one another, he was a red head and full of mischief. For in his humanness he was to enjoy life as he searched for the answers to the questions he held deep in his heart. We knew our earthly human forms were destined to meet but that was far in the future through the eyes of a child. We worked together as one light in the ethers and places of dream.  Always we were aware of the sacrifices that were to come and held every minute, every touch, as pearls, precious and single. 


I do not come forth to be seen as a victim for never, ever was I a victim of anything or anyone.  Always I have held strong of what I knew to be truth and what I knew to be destiny.  We knew that our time upon earth was miniscule compared to eternity.   I was to stay on the planet and birth a bloodline that would be remembered 2000 years. When the eyes of humanity look upon the Magdalene in any form, a deep memory will be triggered. As that memory wells up in the heart and eyes of earth holiness continues.  Imagine this Christ DNA as a string of Christmas lights, being wrapped around the world.


I am the Magdalene – I represent the feminine Christ.  I represent what you are to become in every aspect of your life.  A female that is a prophetess, a female that can see the future, a female that knows that every minute counts, a female that acknowledges her holiness and her ability to interact with all of life and earth.  It is this that I give you as a gift. 



The Magdalene took the Christed child to the Great Pyramid to receive the full downloading of the Christ seed. The force of the Great Pyramid activated the child broadcasting to all points of light in the stars. A vortex of love was birthed within a vortex of power as three met and became One.  The sacred site moved forward in its own postponed evolution as this unselfish act took place.


The child was born prematurely being small and delicate of nature this downloading insured her survival.  The trinity was then filled in deed and destination. The Christ child of the sacred marriage came early due to the stress of the Magdalene and the loss and transmigration of her deepest love. So many tears came but so many tears were held back, her body became toxic with emotion as she held the child of light in her womb.  The child came early and unexpectedly in a place that only destiny knows. The very Earth herself on that day moved just as the star had moved during the birth of Christ himself. The most un-holiest of places became holy and to this day and time no one has seen that.






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