Being “unstuck” in time….


Today is the last live stream during the Insider Revelation Series. Join me, today, at 3:00pm PT, right here. 

I’ve been exploring telepathy, technology, levitation, and Archangel Michael Prophecies. During today’s show, I’ll be bringing together the whole series. Today’s episode is called The Culmination… 

I was not aware of the degree to which this “timeline” I am on has been guided until Michael shared the details with all of us.

The world is NOT going to be destroyed. Michael laid out the whole scenario we are now facing in 1999, and reassured us that everything would be fine. 

It appears that eco-loving advancements in technology is just part of the reward we get after going through this “Global Dark Night of the Soul” as a planet.

All the circumstances surrounding the production and release of our epic new course, The Disclosure have become extremely interesting.

According to the team, many of you have been emailing with questions about The Disclosure, so let me address some of them here:

The Disclosure Course experience is for you if you want to—

  • Attune your frequency to extremely refined Archangelic messages, supporting your own evolution and enhancing your experience of peace
  • Understand how to get prepared for our short-term challenges and what to expect in the new world we’re already co-creating
  • Ready your body for levitation—that’s right, I actually go over meditations Michael and his friends are now unsealing, which they say can help create the experience of levitation (vibrationally). Learn how this tool might be applied when 4D comes online. 
  • Support the creation of a greener world in a direct, patriotic sense.
  • Create a critical mass of ascension-consciousness to illustrate to the Logos that Earth is ready to “graduate” as a species
  • Meet the most exciting and credible new insider to have come forward in years
  • Train your brain to receive the divine
  • Enjoy week after week of entertaining, revealing and informative documentary films on advanced technology, extraterrestrials, pyramids and Atlantis

There is no question you will feel far more knowledgeable and confident about our impending Star Trek future after seeing this show!  

And don’t forget that at 52 weeks a year, a half-hour show a week is only 26 hours of content per year. The Disclosure will easily exceed that number in its overall run time, and you can enjoy it all year!

Here’s who The Disclosure is not for: 

  • The usual suspects. The cabal. Haters. → Please just do us a favor and unsubscribe. Pick up a more constructive hobby like crocheting or accounting. Or better yet, do yourself a favor and rededicate your commitment to the light.
  • People who think information about ascension and a Star Trek future is boring, or too much work to understand.
  • Anyone who thinks hovercars and advanced ‘green’ technologies are simply not scientifically possible, and won’t change their minds even when the world’s leading designer of unusual ‘aircraft’ decides to come forward and tell you how it works.
  • Those of you who do NOT yet see the value of being well-informed, from insider sources and higher consciousness alike 

If you’re ready to step into this incredible experience, my team and I will see you on the other side!

The doors close this Friday.

Gratitude & Light,


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