HighHeart Growing PainsMay 2, 2021Denise


HighHeart Growing Pains


Recently I received an email from “A”, a 37-year-old male who’s been struggling with what’s commonly called heart arrhythmia. According to doctors—which I am NOT—it is caused by and I quote, “Heart rhythm problems happen when electrical impulses don’t work properly causing the heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly.” 

I experienced this occasionally starting in my 20’s (the 1970s) and would suddenly have heavy, hard jarring whole body heart pounding for a while then it would stop and everything would be “normal” once again. I didn’t think too much of it when I was young because I sensed I didn’t have anything “wrong” with my physical heart.

During the past global patriarchal energies and planetary rule, all males had their hearts closed down so they’d not feel the negativity, killing, warring, suppression and abuse of others etc. All females had their throats closed down so they could not and would not dare say anything against what the global patriarchy was doing to humans, males and females, animals, countries, lands, waters, air, the food etc. However, all that of the past many thousands of years has, throughout Phase 1 of the evolutionary Universal Ascension Process, been energetically overwritten and ended by natural evolution. What was negatively done to humanity long ago to make it easier to kill others and war against any and all continually has finally expired for those currently ascending, evolving. Now in Phase 2 of the Ascension Process, more and more humans are experiencing the dropping away of these ancient negative energy blocks in their bodies, such as the etheric harness over humanities upper chest and heart area that I wrote about recently.

Throughout Phase 1 (1998 through end of December 2019) many Volunteer First Everythingers lived the intense Body Rewiring and Brain Rewiring Processes which canceled out these ancient intentional negative limitations and DNA disconnects created to keep humanity within a very narrow low-level frequency of being, consciousness, life and planetary reality while simultaneously incrementally embodying more and higher NEW evolutionary Light energies, codes and frequencies. The natural compressed evolutionary Ascension Process began energetically physically undoing all that since about 1998–1999 in the First Everythinger Volunteers first, and now in the beginning of Phase 2 more and more people are experiencing sudden activation of any number of NEW higher energy systems and organ functions and abilities etc. in their physical and energy bodies. The HighHeart is the main one but there are numerous others throughout the body such as the CNS (Central Nervous System), the two divided, separated brain halves have been Rewired so the ascended human brain is unified, connected, integrated and interactive in this NEW higher level and way. It however does not run the NEW show, the HighHeart does.

If interested I’ve written multiple old but still relevant articles about the Body and Brain Rewiring Processes that can be found at TRANSITIONS

The current Ascension Process is causing everyone no matter their age or sex to repeatedly experience HighHeart activations and the mandatory ongoing embodying of higher and higher still NEW Light energies and code templates to become the NEW Humans that will exist on NEW Earth. The Thymus gland is connected to the HighHeart which exists in the center of the upper chest. The physical heart exists lower and is not centered.

Typically when I’m going through another energy stair step process of further HighHeart expansion and embodying more Light energies, my entire upper chest area out both the front and back will suddenly begin feeling pressures, pains, thumps, flutters and slight movements and rolling sensations inside the area because the incoming Light energies are actually moving, expanding and rearranging things energetically inside my, our physical bodies. I also often but not always experience extended severe hard heart pounding that shakes and wallops my whole body during the more intense and expansive embodiment phases. Sometimes these last 30–45 minutes or so while other times they’ve lasted for 4 to 5 hours. Either way, once the latest embodying has finished my whole body is extremely exhausted and physically weak for many days afterwards. It also feels physically bruised in either the front or the back of my body or both with my spine, vertebra, ribs and even shoulders at the area of the HighHeart very sore, bruised and tender for a week or longer. Often the esophagus will also be sore, extra sensitive and feel rather “beat up” for a while too plus suddenly having heartburn is common as well after these intense HighHeart expansion periods. Because of the severity of the HighHeart embodying and expansions, I give my physical body the time it needs every time after each of these intense sessions. I strongly suggest you do the same.

Besides the intense physical side effects there are all sorts of emotional ones too due to this evolutionary ascent from the old lower physical heart up to the NEW seat of focus in and from the HighHeart. Suddenly feeling weepy, overly emotional at times, overly angry, utterly intolerant of all lower frequency people and consciousness, actions, things and systems etc., deeply loving and filled with ecstatic periods of high LOVE or bliss—what to me is just normal—at other times. It’s all part of your HighHeart activating and then repeatedly embodying more and more, higher and higher frequency Light energies and NEW codes month after month, year after year. I can only imagine how for males of any age this sudden intense activation of their HighHeart and accompanying empathy and deep emotional feeling and feelings must at times seem like physical death is near at hand. It is not, you have not become “weak” — you’re becoming truly empowered and sovereign due to your HighHeart activating and coming online so to speak. And it is going to continue embodying more and higher Light energies numerous times for years until it and you get where many of us are currently going — becoming the NEW Humans that exist on NEW Earth. ❤

Denise Le Fay

May 2, 2021

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