Messages of Light 20120804 Helena and Zira on t​he Education of Gala​ctic Children 2012 A​UGUST 3​


Posted by Andrew Eardley

An Hour with an Angel, July 30, 2012

Helena and Zira of Star Ship Neptune on the Education of Galactic Children

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Geoffrey West of Greenprint for Life. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Today we’re going to learn more about our galactic children. So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Geoff.

Geoffrey West: Thank you, Graham. Greetings and blessings to all, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel. I am told that Helena, who appears to be a director of education programs, will be joining us. And Zira, who happens to be a teacher. And Helena, her name is spelled H E L E N A, and Zira is spelled Z I R A.

And, well, I’m not exactly sure who will be joining us first, but let’s turn the microphone over and say welcome.

Helena: Welcome, I am Helena. I am Helena Belious En Rah. That is the fullness of my name. And I am pleased to meet with you and your listeners during this show, during this time together tonight. And it is our honor and our joy to talk about, of course, what is my favorite subject, which is the education of the children.

Our approach to education, as you think of education, is far more holistic than perhaps you would have in your current systems on Earth, and particularly in the western world. What our focus is, and our concern, is to address the complete scope, the complete needs, the complete potential of each and every child. And so it is more interactive, more kinetic, more playful than what you think of as your classrooms.

My role as Director is an overseer, but it is not what you would think of as an authoritarian role, because the priorities and the areas of instruction, or involvement for the children are truly worked on the basis of consensus, and the basis of consensus is not only by family and community input but also the input of the teachers, what we call the learning technicians. And then there are also master learning technicians as well.

So children, in terms of education, are thought of at a very, very early age, probably what you would think of as daycare or preschool, because they are encouraged to learn and to engage in learning and the world in a very full way from a very young age.

And this is considered not just the responsibility, but the pleasure and honor of everybody who is involved with the child, not simply the formal educators, but the informal educators, such as the healers or the scientists or the explorers. So there is a variety of people who interact with these children.

But what we would suggest to you is that children are grouped for learning purposes not only according to their interests but also according to their potential, and according to what they are exhibiting as areas that need, perhaps, more attention or less attention. And that includes emotional development, what you would think of as brain development, as well as the integration of the individual, of the child.

Each child, they are given small groups of about eight to ten children, and in those groupings there would be two learning technicians; sometimes, in and out, a master teacher; and then each child is also equipped with what you would think of as a learning computer. The computer is organic and it is interactive with the child. So it is as if the child has a hands-on learning partner or a teacher, in your understanding, throughout the day, whether they are in formal session or not. The child keeps this tablet, what you might think of as an iPad, with them at all times.

No, it is not that they are always working, but it helps them even in their play, because, as you know, play is one of the best ways for a child to learn. So our approach is somewhat different than yours.

So for example, you could have a group of eight or ten children, and at the age of eight or ten doing quantum physics, if that is their forte, if that is their remembering, if that is their interest. Whereas you might have someone who is at a much older age who has not the slightest interest in mathematics or science, so they would be pursuing something different.

It is not that the fundamentals are not addressed – they are. What you would think of as the Three Rs are extensively covered. But what we know and what we have learned is that there is room for so much more. And in fact when you broaden the spectrum of what is available to the children and what is taught, or co-learned, their capacity for understanding and inter-relationships is so much stronger that it is simply a more effective approach.

You have, upon the planet of Earth, alternative schools that are outside what you think of as your more regimented public or even private school systems. If you were to look at how we approach education, and again the whole realm of the child, you would think of it in many ways as not structured very closely. But, in fact, there is very much a great understanding of how children learn, how people learn. And let us explain that as well.

In our culture, our way of approaching learning is that it is literally what you would express as cradle to grave, so that as soon as a child is born they are learning. Of course the learning curve for an infant is phenomenal. But even our scientists, our crew, our healing technicians continue to learn. So learning is considered part and parcel of daily life. It is something that is never considered completed.

You are fully aware that you live in an infinite universe, so there is always, always more that is open and available.

So I am considered a resource to the learning technicians, to the master learning technicians and to the parents. And I would have people – I do have people – that assist me with the organization of groups, but I am not directly involved in the classroom setting. But we thought it was a good place to start to simply share with you an overview of what our philosophy is about learning.

Do you have questions?

GW: Yes Helena. Just a couple of mere formalities, just to help our listeners. You mentioned that there was an extension to your name, Helena, and I’m just wondering if you could spell the remainder part of your name so that we can get the proper spelling of that to identify you.

And I also just wanted to clarify, are you on board the Neptune, and are you working primarily with Pleiadians, or all other civilizations and members of our families?

H: I am on board the Neptune, and yes, I do work with Pleiadians, but understand there are many exchanges, and the exchanges are not as involved as you would think. So the galactics, the intergalactics, the various cultures on a regular basis do exchanges. And even the children, if they exhibit an interest in a particular area, are sent elsewhere. No, they always return home at night. But they are sent elsewhere to have an experience, or what you might think of even as a camp, in which case they do stay over.

My name is Helena Belious En Rah. Belious is B – in your language – is B E L I O U S.

GW: Belious En Rah. Okay, great.

H: It is capital E N, capital R A H. En Rah is a distinction of what house and lineage that you are of. And it particularly connotes an intergalactic.

GW: Wonderful. Thank you.

Now most people perceive the role as director, at least down here, perhaps as being one who fulfills and carries out the higher agenda of those who have been controlling the system of education. Now, certainly that would not be the case up there, and I think all of our listeners would fully understand that.

But in your role, and since most of the children really are coming in with a higher sense of awareness already, what would be your role? Is the role of a director perhaps one who comes in with a higher dimensional awareness than perhaps the teachers do, to try and guide the teachers? Much the same as how all of you are trying to guide us right now from your higher dimensional experience? Would a director be one who has an even higher level of awareness to guide and mentor the teachers in serving the children?

H: That is correct. I use the term director simply because it is a terminology that you understand. And it is important for you also to know that I have committed a very, very long period of time to this service of educating children. But it is also a consensus position, and I thought I was making that very clear, that we do not wish to control or direct in the sense that you use it on your planet, to have an agenda. Because what your education system does is that there is about, oh, 20 percent education and then about 80 percent control. And that is not the way that we approach helping children to learn.

You notice that we do not use the term teach them, that we assist them to learn, we assist them to open. So you can think that there would be learning technicians, there are master learning technicians – your equivalent would be like a master teacher. And then above that there is another layer of people who have committed their service and their lives to formulating ways – you can think of them as agenda or curriculum preparers – so that they focus on an organic field of knowledge that can be given to the children and shared with them in a way that is playful, interactive and intelligent, because we take the whole child into account.

So in many ways I am a co-ordinator of these various bodies. And yes, I am a resource to these beings, to these teachers, to these learning technicians, and to the families as well. So think of me more as a co-ordinator than someone that is trying to rein in all the players. That is not my desire, nor would it be the way in which we would ever approach education.

The way we approach it, as we say, is holistic. It has need to be integrated not only into the group, and it is not about keeping a rein on a small group, whether it is eight or ten. So, for example, the way in which we would approach history is very different than yours. When you look at history very often you look at dates, events, battles, cultural mores, societal belief systems. When we would look at something like history, we would look at the human interactions. If we were teaching your children, we would be looking at the human interactions, the belief systems, the power structures that led to certain events.

So, for example, you teach your children about World War Two, and that there were things called concentration camps where millions and millions of people were killed, where they were executed. But what you don’t really do very much of is you do not explore the emotional ramifications, or the mindsets, or the societal mores that could lead to such a situation. Therefore your children are simply getting information. But how do you impart such information, such significant and harmful information without taking into account the child’s emotional experience of receiving such information?

There is no healing, or discussion, or process whereby the understanding is reached such that that kind of atrocity never occurs again, whereas we take time. So, for example, when we discuss the intergalactic wars we do not bombard the children, age-appropriate children, with the atrocities that had occurred. But we do make sure they understand the magnitude of that tragedy and the healing of just receiving that information.

And how do you process that so that the child does not wander down that pathway, that they also understand the process of resolution and bring it back to their everyday interplay with their siblings, with other children, with their group? So that as part of that learning they learn ways in which to engage, to deal with conflict, to deal with issues of disagreement, so that harmony is maintained and differences of ideas or opinions are honored?

So we take – yes, it is the sharing of information, because that is all education is, but we also take into account the child and their full development into an enlightened, awakened being who will be kind and loving and considerate, and understanding of what is possible.

The same is true of science, as you well know. We are dealing with very, very advanced science in terms of your understanding and reality. Part of what a child – and I use the word child whether they are 6 or 18 – what a child learns is not just the formulas, not just the technical aspects of what the science is, but the potential uses so that there is ethics built in.

Ethics is not simply a course that is given for a term and then forgotten about, it is built into the fiber of the child. So the ethical considerations of the uses of technology, science, even of mathematics, is always taken into account. So there is – when we say holistic, that is what we are talking about.

GW: Great. Thank you, Helena. Certainly to honor the remaining time with our other guest, I’ll just ask one final question, and perhaps if you could keep the answer quick that would be really wonderful.

At this point in time I understand children are being prepared for the event of Disclosure that’s unfolding on Earth. At the higher level, how are you guiding the dissemination of how to prepare children for what they are about to experience up there?

H: It has always been seen as something that was planned for. So it is not so much an issue of preparation. Our preparation has been more that the children are taught that all races, including the human race, and including particularly Earth and Earthlings and the children of Earth, are our brothers and sisters, our friends. And that when the time is right, and when the fear of our presence is gone, that they will be free to interact and play, to share what they know, to have exchanges, just as they would have exchanges in the Pleiadian sectors that they will be free to have exchanges with the Earth sector as well.

So the preparation and the knowing of the – what you think of as Disclosure – is really commonplace amongst the children. They grow up knowing about Disclosure and the presence of the many races that they interact with.

GW: Great. Thank you Helena, I appreciate your willingness to share that. And certainly we’d like to continue but, unfortunately, to allow time to our other guests I’d just like to thank you for sharing your information and wisdom with us.

H: You are very welcome, and it was my honor. Farewell.

GW: Farewell. And that was Helena Belious En Rah, one who fulfills the role of what we might know as a director who has been overseeing the program of assisting children with their awareness and their understanding of who they are, what we call education.

I’m just giving Linda a moment to welcome in the next guest who will be sharing with us. And this will be Zira, who I understand is a teacher. And I will say, welcome, Zira.

Zira: Welcome. Yes, I am Zira. And it is also my pleasure and my honor to speak to parents and to children. I would like to extend a loving embrace and welcome to the children of Earth. We observe you, we love you, we cherish you, we honor you, and we want you to know that we are all anxious to invite you to our learning groups, to what you would think of as our pods.

I am a learning technician. I am what you think of as a teacher, and yes, there are also what you would think of as teacher’s aides. They are more of floaters, as it were. But also we have these wonderful teacher’s aides which are our tablets that are completely organic and interactive with the children as well, so that they are never left with a question hanging. And in fact they are interactive in terms of posing questions and sharing information and engaging the children far more than what your computers do. You can think of them as living computers, I guess.

I have been a learning technician for about two and a half of your years, so I am fairly new to this role. And it was a choice that I had made at an early age, for I love children. And the group that I work with are the younger ones, because they are so open, they are playful, and they have not begun to take themselves too seriously!

Yes, we have that issue on board as well! I think you call it the teenage attitude. Well, it is not as severe as what you have on Earth, but there is sometimes this tendency to take themselves more seriously than they need to. And I did so as well.

So, I work with children that are about five to ten, what you would think of probably as the earlier grades in your school system. But what we teach, and what we expose our young ones to, is probably far more extensive than what you would think of. By the time – what you would think of as a child of five, they are already very conversant with mathematics, with science, with reading. All children know several languages, including the universal language of communication by that point.

So they are further along in their learning. And when they reach that point of being brought in groups, we have spaces that are – multiple use I guess you would say – multiple use spaces that can be used for each group.

But our emphasis even in learning is not children sitting at a desk. It is more interactive than that. The children are encouraged to move. Children learn better when they are moving. This is a proven fact, both in your world, and certainly we have known it for a long time.

The thing about these children is their enthusiasm and their unquenchable desire to know more. It is literally as if they are open to exploring the far reaches of the universe. Nothing – or shall we say very little, but nothing really in terms of information – is shut off to any of our children. So if a child has an insatiable thirst to learn about a subject we never stop them and say – well, that is really for next year or two years from now. We simply guide their process through until their attention is caught by something else.

No, they are not encouraged or permitted to simply be single focus. There is attention paid to all the various spheres. But the reason that we expose the children to all the spheres of what you think of as science, technology, mathematics, philosophy – philosophy would encompass all world religions as you would think of it – history, literature, art, but it is interactive as well. We expose them to everything because, although they may think that they have an insatiable desire to learn one thing – you know children, their interests change, they shift. And when they are exposed to something new, off they go!

So we do not pigeonhole them, as sometimes you on Earth pigeonhole your children, because you say – “Oh, well, he is really good at science or mathematics, we will put him in that stream”. While we allow the room for the child to explore, to learn, to grow in that field of endeavor, we do not slate them into one because – who knows? – they may be a universal artist. And if they do not explore that venue, then they will never know that, will they?

So again, it is more holistic, as a great deal of our time as learning technicians is spent in observing, so that we know the children are scanned. We know what their potentials are and their capacities are. What you do as testing is very, very elementary. So we know where they might wish to be headed, but we also monitor very closely what you would think of as their emotional/mental bodies, because that is paramount.

Your school systems do not address the ways that we do in the nurturing, the care-taking and the development of the entire child – in terms of personality, yes, of balanced ego, their spirit, their understanding of their spiritual path, of their heart’s desires, of their inter-relationships.

If a child comes to school upset, that is dealt with. If there is friction in the classroom, that emotional discord is brought forward and discussed and dealt with and resolved. So they learn at a very early age that they do not have to feel that they need to contain discordant emotions.

That is a lesson that was learned long ago. And they are taught methods of communication in order to communicate and to eliminate feelings of anger or frustration. A child who is angry or fearful, or in fear of failure, or anything like that, cannot learn. So those issues are always part of our day.

The children are not in intensive learning situations, what you would think of as classroom or desk time. It is interspersed with interactive play, with action, with movement, with discussion. And their days are not long.

I, as a teaching or a learning assistant or a technician, would come forth at about seven-thirty because that is when the day begins for most on board ship. First, we make sure that the children have adjustment time, and if they are hungry, or if they just want to have the experience of socializing, they are given that time. Then we get down to work, but that is interspersed with many breaks.

And that is true throughout the shift. The value of frequent breaks to decompress, to breathe, to connect is considered very important, vital. It is a part of everybody’s day. I would work with my group for a period of about five hours a day.

GW: So from what I’m understanding, and from what I’m hearing you say, then discipline as we currently know it down here more than likely doesn’t exist. And if it does, certainly not in our form, because you are addressing the issues much more readily and openly and as they occur, as opposed to letting energies build up that require specific emotional outbursts.

Z: That is correct.

GW: Great.

Z: We do not have what you would think of as discipline of our children. We do not have disciplinary codes. If a child is acting erratically or discordantly, then there is a reason. And so it is not left to simply let stew, it is addressed immediately, sometimes one-on-one. That is why we have floaters, that is why we have two technicians in every group, so that it would never be left to formulate into what you think of as a behavior problem or a discipline problem. That is simply non-existent on our ships.

GW: Well, that is certainly something that I think we can all look forward to, and it’s certainly a much, a much nicer environment to be a part of, absolutely.

With the time that we have left, one key thing that I would like perhaps parents and even children to hear from you, there is a challenge here on Earth that many parents have not been financially able to allow their kids to pursue all the different interests that the child may wish to indulge in. And certainly that is going back to the root cause of many of the problems that have existed on Earth. So yes, the root challenge has to be first acknowledged and resolved.

But how might a parent address this particular issue in an open and loving way with the child? And how might the child go about expressing this particular need to parents, while also showing understanding and compassion?

Z: This is a very good question because it is one of the tragedies, and one of the reasons we are glad that you are going through such a paradigm shift, because we will be able to help with many of these issues, as you know.

But to parents of Earth who do not have the financial resources – and when I say “financial resources” I also refer to time and energy, because those are also a direct result of financial considerations – when they do not have the resources to address a child’s desires or needs, say the child wishes to learn music or dance or art, or to take an advanced class, or to go to a camp that will teach them something like filmmaking, it is very,very sad.

And what happens in this situation is very often the parents feel less than adequate, that somehow they have failed. And out of that comes either a defensiveness or a simple denial or a feeling of hurt. And parents are not always good or conversant with communicating that to their children.

And what I would suggest to you, dear parents, is that this is severely underestimating your child and their capacity for understanding and compassion.But also, when you do not discuss it, it limits your creativity and your co-creativity with the child in alternate ways to address that.

So the key here is communication and the exposure of the feelings that are attendant to this old paradigm of lack. Because what you do when you try to control your feelings is that it stifles the creative energy of what you might come up with.

Also it is important, as it is here, to be very clear – you chose your children, and they chose you. And they chose you for the opportunities that would be presented, the opportunities for growth, for challenge, for helping to expose you to love and different things, different growth opportunities.

So if you do not discuss what you think are limitations, then how do you open the door to co-creation? It is discussion, it is honest, heart-felt discussion. It is not enough to say to your child, “I would love to send you to ballet, but unfortunately we do not have the money.” That is a declaration of love, but it doesn’t open up the discussion. And what the children really want is the discussion.

You tend not to credit your children with the variety of inventiveness and understanding that they have.

GW: Great. Now, thank you very much, Zira. I hope that many, many parents, and even the children, will take that to heart and find ways to open up those doors of communication, especially at this time. So thank you.

Z: You are welcome. And thank you for inviting all of us. It has been our pleasure.

GW: We look forward to touring around your learning facilities. So thank you and farewell.

Z: You are welcome to come, and yes, farewell.

GW: Thank you for joining us on this Hour with an Angel, and we look forward to having you join us again next week. Blessings and greetings to all. Farewell.





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