January 2021 Forecast and First Quarter North Node Horoscopes


January 2021 Forecast and First Quarter North Node Horoscopes


Happy New Year! Out with the old, in with the new.

I’ll continue offering monthly forecasts, but you’ll notice I’ve changed the North Node Horoscopes to quarterly. My own Capricorn North Node demanded I reclaim some of the time and effort it takes to write monthly horoscopes. Since the North Node in your natal chart acts like a personal North Star, quarterly horoscopes will also help you to focus more on integrating the guidance into daily life. I’ll include the quarterly North Node Horoscopes following each monthly forecast. I hope soul insights will deepen as you review the messages in light of prior month(s), while preparing for your next one.

This forecast covers some of the bigger events in January 2021. The intense energies we felt in late 2020 shift into higher gear with tension between staid Taurus and revolutionary Aquarius. Dramatic astro weather continues, but things should feel lighter this month — or at least different. We’ll feel a shift in the winds, especially around mid-month.

On January 5, Mercury the Messenger meets Pluto Lord of the Underworld, in Capricorn. Expect deep revelations — both personal and collective. Pay special attention to dreams, symbols and your intuition on the 4th -7th. These days can bring big insights into unconscious emotions, but try not to assume or convey the worst. Take time to process before blurting things out.

The January 13 New Moon in Capricorn falls within minutes of last year’s Saturn-Pluto Conjunction. In the Eastern time zone, this New Moon occurs at the stroke of midnight, a year and a day after the Conjunction that colored all of 2020. “A year and a day” represents a magical time of completion or full initiation. Happening at the hinge point of midnight on the 13th, so close to the degree of the powerful Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, this dark passage forms a birth canal. Honor how you’ve changed and grown since January 12, 2020. Some major process of destruction and renovation will complete and reset with this New Moon.

The next day, January 14 holds potential for wild changes and eruptions. That’s the day that rebel Uranus stations direct in stable Taurus. Stationing direct supercharges influence of an outer planet, and Uranus is the most volatile. Fiery Mars in Taurus fast approaches lightning bolt liberator Uranus, adding intensity and volatility. All this, while expansive Jupiter squares Uranus, karmic Saturn squares Mars, and the Sun shines a spotlight on Pluto’s Underworld. Where and how this intensity affects you depends on your full natal chart, but collectively, we can expect something big to shift mid-month.

On January 18, the Jupiter square Uranus transit goes exact. Jupiter magnifies, so whatever gets triggered on January 14, will grow. On the 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius, and on the 20th, the Moon joins Mars and Uranus in Taurus. Expect high tensions and emotions, and use whatever tools you have to become the calm within the storm. Those with cool heads and focused attention can benefit from chaos. Prepare yourself to seize any rare opportunities. Also on January 20, Mars exactly conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. The sign of Taurus tempers some of the volatility of this meeting, but expect the unexpected. Some unusual solution or non-conformist willpower may upset the status quo. Preparation allows you to work these transits to your advantage.

The Full Moon in Leo arrives on January 28 at 2:16 p.m. Eastern. This Full Moon gets amplified by Jupiter conjuncting the Sun in Aquarius. Jupiter expands, so this Full Moon gets extra oomph, while also squaring volatile Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Venus now meets Pluto, suggesting shifts in romance, relationships, arts, values and beauty. Relationships could end or deeply transform at this time. Focus on true intimacy and the regenerative power of love.

Mercury stations retrograde on January 30, moving back through Aquarius until February 20. You can use these energies to review any limited worldview(s) and rework those to more empowering, innovative and liberating ways of processing and sharing information.

How January’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This monthly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.           – Laura

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)


ARIES NORTH NODE: The theme for First Quarter 2021 is finding a new balance of helping others and being helped. Your sign’s ruler, Mars, spent a record six month in Aries in 2020. That fiery energy activated destiny level shifts for Aries North Node natives. Now you need to ground those shifts into tangible, real world things. “Put your money where you mouth is” can mean literally funding your new venture, or it could mean “talk is cheap, get to work!” You might need to use some of your Libra South Node skills to negotiate financial support for a new idea or circumstance that puts you in a leadership role. In any case, you’ll want to pay more attention to the 3D steps to solidify whatever inspiration or passion ignited during the second half of 2020. This first quarter of 2021 brings a chance for healing, love, and rebirth. Hard work pays dividends.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2021 urges unusual, innovative and unexpected upgrades in communication. This can include animals, Spirit Guides, and crystals, as well as cyberspace. Pay attention to sudden insights that arrive through friction or irritation. Your perceptions are high right now. If you feel the need for increased boundaries, build those into your daily life. Slow and steady movement on larger projects ensures you’ll still make progress, even if things take longer than you planned. “Delay leads to delight.” Allow for more time than you think you need. Pay attention to how spiritual forces impact your body. You might feel better implementing daily prayer or meditation, yoga or tai chi. Feel the flow of energy in your home, too. January through March encourages you to reorganize your closet or feng shui your home. Ask yourself if this stuff still feels like “you” or if you need an upgrade.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Indulge your gift of the gab, and start writing! Whether in a journal, blog, letters or book, you need to express yourself during First Quarter 2021. Gemini North Node natives are learning to consider two or more sides to everything. New perspectives allow you to find love and community in unexpected places. Tell your story, and give yourself a happy ending. Then, continue balancing all the elements, so that you can keep walking forward, no matter how much you want to dig in your heels. Yours is one of the most magical North Node signs — if you allow yourself to recognize and receive the messages. The Universe, God, angels, and animals all love to communicate with those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear.” You can heal yourself and others by opening to wonder. Life is complex and beautiful. Follow synchronicity and embrace the Mystery.

CANCER NORTH NODE: You don’t need to do it all yourself! First Quarter 2021 asks you to focus on partnership and nurturing. You might feel off kilter from all the external drama in January, but take a moment to assess if anyone’s really getting hurt. Your Capricorn South Node likes order and a certain amount of tradition. The new energies in rebel Aquarius can rock foundations. You’ll feel better as you move from judgment into feeling. It’s OK to feel afraid sometimes. Expressing your vulnerable side lets others know you’re in this together. When you express your own need for support, you find the security you seek. Not by being perfect, but by connecting with those you love. Aquarian energy has an outward focus, yet you thrive by tending to your own family, home and private sphere. The world will sort itself out — or not. Life rewards you for soft touches, womb-like cocoons, and gentle words and tones.

LEO NORTH NODE: Maturation is the name of the game with so many planets moving through your South Node sign of Aquarius. Whenever multiple planets cross your South Node, old acquaintances and familiar patterns vie for your attention. Take some time to assess where you’ve been, so that you can feel more satisfied with wherever you feel led. Going along to get along won’t serve you anymore. You need to get in touch with whatever makes your heart sing. First Quarter 2021 asks you to embrace the Divine Feminine. Her energy might come through the January 28 Full Moon in Leo, your own enhanced intuition, or an energizing chat with a female friend. Watch for new opportunities, especially if they arise through seeming friction or irritation. Instead of roaring in frustration, cultivate some catlike curiosity. Position yourself to pounce on unexpected solutions, including financial windfalls.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: The big First Quarter event for Virgo North Node natives is the February 27 Full Moon in Virgo. You’ll get more out of this transit if you prepare yourself ahead of time. Spend some time in quiet retreat. 2021 would be a great time to commit to a daily spiritual practice. Regular meditation, yoga or scheduled time in prayer helps you to welcome spiritual support into daily life. “Commitment” is your power word this year. Use January to get clear, and then find ways to solidify your devotion. This integration of mystical inspiration with practical steps allows you to thrive no matter what happens around you. Reach for the light at the end of the tunnel, knowing you can make your way there, step by careful step. Focus on the scenery as you make your way to any bigger picture goal. Those little jewels bring so much wealth and beauty to your journey. “God is in the details.” ~Ludwig Meis van der Rohe

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Focus on “Forgiveness” during First Quarter 2021. Forgiving yourself and others frees you to move more fully and joyfully into the Now. Ask yourself, “What old wounds, resentments or battles can I release in order to make room for something better?” Because something better wants to find you. Your astro climate changed on Winter Solstice. Supportive Aquarian energies offer release after years of pressure. Leaning into this innovative and cooperative zeitgeist will help you transcend isolated or lone wolf tendencies. Look for unconventional, yet practical solutions to problems. Old tools used in new ways. Anger can turn to frustration, depression — or determination. Practice choosing where and how to direct your feelings. You can harness the energy of raw emotions as rocket fuel for living a more magical life. Things flow better for you when you partner with others, including invisible helpers and unusual friends. Begin to explore how Loving Connection forms the fabric of the Universe.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Yours is one of the most intuitive of the North Node signs. Your feelings run deep, and sometimes fear limits you from flying. Your Taurus South Node wants security, proceeding step by little step, but your life path involves quantum leaps and regeneration. Pay attention to timing during First Quarter 2021. Yes, you’ll feel some occasional traffic jams and roadblocks from all the planets in Aquarius and Taurus, but don’t give up on opportunities. “No” might simply mean “not yet.” It might also mean, “No, not this: something so much better!” Allow yourself to recognize your need and desire for intimacy, deep sharing, and the ability to move through raw emotions. You’ll experience greater calm and clarity as you realize that “This, too, shall pass” doesn’t only mean loss. As the zodiac’s alchemists, Scorpio North Node natives can turn metaphorical lead into gold. “Transmutation” is your word for First Quarter 2021. Find a creative outlet for all that energy.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The collective South Node continues making its way through your North Node sign. This tension between old and new, collective and personal increases the importance of perfect timing. Don’t let delays dim your faith. Powerful Aquarian energies support you now. Aquarius Air fans Sagittarius fire. You might feel this as heartwarming connections with friends, both old and new. You could also find yourself supercharged and renewed by philosophical, religious or scholarly ideas. Explore ways to bring more of this passion into everyday life. Knowing something feels different than thinking about something. Focus on knowing. Strong beliefs ignite and expand your outer world experience. Be bold. Your soul needs big adventures. If 3D world travel restrictions feel too tight, then open your mind and heart to inner travel. You’ve got a great mind and powerful intuition. Practice integrating these competing sides of yourself. When in doubt, pray. Ask for Divine Guidance and follow where it leads.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: What wisdom can you extract from the last three years? Looking backwards at the beginning of a year helps you make get grounded before building something big. Use January to nurture your body, assess finances and appreciate the bounty you’ve gathered in all areas of life. You’ve worked hard, Capricorn! With a better sense of where you’ve been, prepare to prune anything out of alignment with the direction you feel led to grow. Keep plans close to your vest. You do better not telegraphing your every move. Hearing too much commentary weakens your resolve, because you empath other people’s fears and emotional reactivity. If you seek more clarity, then a journal or life coach may serve you better than a well meaning, but dream crushing friend or family member. You can climb literal and metaphorical mountains. Sometimes the journey feels hard. Refresh yourself by swimming in an alpine lake — or with an at home spa day — then keep going. Life rewards your determination.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Although transition remains a long, slow process, we officially entered the Age of Aquarius on Winter Solstice 2020. First Quarter 2021 brings powerful activation for Aquarius North Node natives. You might not realize it, but you’re in your element. Focus on unusual guidance and lightning bolt insights. Sometimes life will feel chaotic, like you’ve jumped on the back of a wild horse. Other times, you’ll feel the slow, stabilizing force of traditional Saturn in liberating Aquarius. Embrace changes that feel urgent or deeply necessary, but don’t force yourself to work too hard. When big planets move through your North Node sign, the “open door, closed door” effect becomes more obvious. Stop banging your head against closed doors. Something will open for you, and it will do so right on time. Once things get going, destiny will pull you along. You just need to cultivate balance and ground the energy pulsing through you. Record your ideas, whether in a journal or on your phone. Inspiration will strike. These moments are fleeting yet powerful. Harness them.

PISCES NORTH NODE: “Creative daydreaming” is your phrase for First Quarter 2021. Before you commit to anything, make sure it feels soft, nurturing and/or magical. Yours is the dreamiest North Node sign. The collective nodal axis continues to square your North and South Node signs. This can feel like friction or restriction. Try not to get bogged down in details. You don’t need to plan everything ahead of time. In fact, planning too much slows you down. If something seems delayed, go back to the dreaming board. Literally ask your dreams to help you find and live your most beautiful and inspired life. Spend time in mystical pursuits: prayer, chanting, even a good soak in the tub. Add some candlelight and Chopin — whatever it takes to bring mind chatter to a minimum. Your Spirit merges into Oneness whenever you let go. From this womblike connection flow all the elements of creative life.



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