Astrology Highlights of 2021


Astrology Highlights of 2021

Below are just a few excerpts from the e-book Holistic Horoscopes 2021, from the chapter called Astrology Highlights of 2021.

“Some of the most powerful astrological configurations of 2021 are the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn (effects lingering from December 21st 2020) in Aquarius and their individual squares to Uranus. The year begins with Jupiter’s square to Uranus bringing both changes in perspective and situations, especially relative to crowds, group involvements and grassroots efforts. It can be a highly revolutionary aspect that emphasizes communication, community and strength in numbers.

The people are collectively fed up with being deceived and manipulated by their so-called leaders and are making themselves more vocal by sectioning off in small, although increasingly large and potent gatherings. The outright lies, hypocrisy and shenanigans of the world’s top leading organizations have finally been exposed by the masses considered to be beneath them. Satire, memes and black humor are the new “red pill” (a term from the movie The Matrix) as people shake their heads at just how far the games of crazy-making have taken us.

Aquarius and its ruling planet Uranus are focused on technology, scientific advancement, and explorations of space. In a world where truth has proven itself to be stranger than fiction, and Elon Musk has become the poster child of “progress”, the ideas of living off-planet could become more romanticized than ever before. This is what some influential members of society fantasize as the grooming for a future, non-human, super-human, or trans-human existence. Throw in a few UFO stories for good measure, and suddenly we’ll be living in a hologram of something akin to Star Trek Voyager.

Saturn contracts and Jupiter expands, so when it comes to health and wellness, these two planetary energies seem to be at odds but actually work powerfully together – if we know how to harness them for our benefit. Saturn is the planet that tends to affect long-term, chronic ailments while Jupiter can blow things out of proportion. Jupiter shows us what our habits and cravings are, while Saturn shows us the result of continuing to engage in counter-intuitive actions of self-sabotage. In 2021, we will have the opportunity to correct one if not several issues and malfunctions that have manifested as the result of stress, injuries or just plain ignorance. For example, if before someone was suffering from repetitive strain injuries in a certain part of their body, this is a year when both the cause and solution will become more apparent. Jupiter helps us to get a jump start on these helpful adjustments, and throughout the year Saturn can help to reinforce positive changes to replace the old habits which previously caused so much discomfort. With these two planets in Aquarius forming a square to its planetary ruler Uranus, there is a growing sense of body awareness surfacing on the mental level, making it easier to identify the causes of many kinds of illness and to address them more readily.

Saturn makes a square Uranus three times, stretching this influence out over the course of the entire year. The continued strong presence of Saturn (which was focused in Capricorn for most of 2020) indicates there will likely be some repeats of a lot of recent issues on a global level. Patience, discipline and some kind of strategy is likely required by many to successfully navigate through some extremely intense terrain. Despite everything it will still be possible to achieve great things, and what could be more satisfying in a time of so much chaos than to make the best out of what life has to offer for ourselves and each other?

Aquarius represents the soul of man and within this sign, Jupiter encourages us to bring more of the essence of who we truly are forward in a way that contributes to global healing and the fostering of a greater sense of optimism and teamwork than we have experienced in a long while.”


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