The Celestial Team

Sun and Clouds Viewed from Underwater --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Guidance Through The Storm; #7
Fond greetings of Love/Light to You, Beloved!

We wish to assist You in this moment by sharing our perspective of the particular opportunity that You are now immersed in. We do so because the most powerful support we can give You is to convey that, through our “birds eye view” as You might say, we can clearly observe how it is through your conscious participation in engaging with energy that You create your own pathways.

We know You have heard “You create your own reality” often enough, and it makes sense to You conceptually. You are not accustomed to actually LIVING it yet, however.

Quite the opposite, in truth. We see that the general consensus among You on a FEELING level is that your paths are carved out by a force that is greater than your own — and what You FEEL is still the most accurate barometer of your experience of “reality.” (As You expand into Unity Consciousness, however, there will be no difference between “perspective,” “feel,” and “reality!”)

You are not completely wrong about the “force that is greater than your own.” It is your perspective of this force that is problematic, for it implies a sense of powerless– and any ideation that limits your awareness of how powerful You are will, indeed, be problematic for You now.

This “force that is greater than your own” chose the terrain that you will explore during your lifetime, not your pathway— and this “greater force” is YOU. Do you understand? The humanly embodied You is a projection from the “force greater than your own,” which is YOU.

To be succinct: YOU chose the terrain. You choose the pathways. And always, You have guidance in the doing from YOU. Through intuition, synchronicities, and many other ways, YOU is ALWAYS wanting to stay in contact with You.

Again, we persist because we wish to make this very, very, clear–

1.) There is no external force that puts You anywhere You do not want to be.

2.) Your own tremendous internal force of focus is what keeps your projected Self in physical form, exactly where You are.

As You see, we are once again wanting to show You how powerful You are, and how much control You have over the paths You choose to take– and MAKE. Truly, we want very much for You to understand.

Energy is potential. The way it is used determines how powerful it becomes and what it creates. Oh, we hear some of You! “We already know how to use power for our own means!”

“We all know how to use a light switch, for example, and we know how to use light bulb wattage to control the power of the light, too. And look how much power we release when we start the ignition in our vehicles– that’s a LOT of power in our hands, and we sure know how to use it! We even control it’s speed!”

Yes, You do know how to turn power on and use it. But do YOU provide the power? Or the circuitry that determines how that power can be USED?

No, You do not. You are dependent on others who decide that FOR You. What we are talking about is something entirely different.

We are telling You that You are a POWERHOUSE! That each and every one of You is a POWERHOUSE!

We will give You an example: In Atlantis, there was no need for “switches” to turn on lights. People generated their OWN power, from WITHIN them, to do things like that. And, if You believe such stories from Atlantis are “nothing but myths,” we assure You that You are wrong! We also assure You that not one of the Atlanteans had any more power than any one of You living on your planet today.

Speaking of myths, however, there are many that your human collective has been programmed to believe in, many of which are very, very, far from true. They are lies, in fact, and some of them are “whoppers” (to use one of your colloquialisms that is the best frequency match)– and they do not serve You. Instead, they have enslaved You.

There are still some among You who are shocked by that disclosure, we know, but we must tell You anyway. Especially if You are shocked, we must tell You!

The biggest and most deadly “whopper myth,” we’ll call it, that your human collective has been programmed to believe is that You must look OUTSIDE of yourSelf for power.

And what is the purpose of this “whopper myth?” To render You dependent and easily controlled by a very few who have NOT had your best interests at heart.

All right. We wish to say no more about this programming at this moment. We do not wish to give your third dimensional brain such toxic fodder to waste your energy on. Instead, we merely wish to enlighten You– You are POWERHOUSES. And it has never been more important to be aware of the power of your own internal technology, Beloved!

You are the power that directs the unbounded potential of energy. And together as ONE, You are the circuitry as well.

Be conscious then, of what You choose and from whence your choices spring! Use the reflections of your choices as they create manifestations in your daily life, to see yourself clearly. Adjust them anew in every moment until they are in alignment with your deepest truth– which is LOVE, of course. You are carving your destiny with your choices, Beloved, and only YOU have that power!

Ah, there is so much more we wish to tell You about YOU! We will save it for other transmissions, however, for the revelation that You are a POWERHOUSE is what we wish to leave You with today.

Well, and one more thing as well… know that your tremendous power is already well established in your universe. The alchemical power of your human collective to manifest physical reality through the focus of your energies is glorious, indeed. You are known to all as Masters of Co-creation, and your own remembering of who You are will be a cause of great celebration in your universe.

Guidance Through The Storm; #7


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