I find that what I experience, integrate, and report has a resonance with people who are navigating these landscapes well. There are those who have similar work here, as I, and seem to experience these waves and patterns simultaneously with me. Mostly though, I have found that I experience these movements a little bit ahead of others. I feel the most recent one that I introduced in, Did you Feel It? Another Step Up, is a major marker. It involved 3 days of an intense broadcast of fear, a profound dream, and a download/message from the Inner Light, the same Presence that has guided me since I was a child.

Here’s the head’s up that I offer in this sharing: When you get to the wall or perimeter of this false reality in your consciousness, you may experience what feels like a test or series of tests. Depending on how present you are, your challenge will manifest as an event in your outer world or will “tempt” or agitate you to react in fear when these dark energetic forces press into the mind. How will you respond to it? This is the moment when we all get to measure our readiness to enter this natural, higher-dimensional way of being. This way of being is not new. It is our original design. And we do have a choice as to whether we want to restore this or remain captive in the lower-dimensional reality. This is the moment whereby we directly know whether we’re actually ready to meet other beings who are integrated and whole. This is how we know whether we’re ready to meet and integrate more of ourselves. This is where we see that in order to transcend this reality, WE have to transform, not the world.

If we do not know ourselves, vibrationally speaking, and we react to fear with more fear, it would not be possible to unlock the codes within us and expand into our greater design. It would over-tax the body-mind-spirit and we would exit the body and lather-rinse-repeat, as they say. As I’ve shared on this blog, in my music, and in the book, when I was introduced to these high frequencies over the years, I felt at times that I would be annihilated. It was way too much. The distance between Love and what I “thought” was Love was clearly a bridge too far. And yet, if you’d asked me prior to this if I felt ready to meet angels and higher-vibrational beings, I would’ve said what I hear many saying, “Wow. Yes. That would be so cool.” Oh silly me. I might have “thought” that I could meet non-human intelligence in its variety of presenting forms, but what we think and what is actual are two different animals.

This is the marker that I speak of now. This is where we individually and collectively stand. It is a life or death experience in our consciousness, and very much like what I experienced repeatedly over my lifetime. Essentially, one must shamanically die to better understand not only what one has been missing, but to begin to adapt to energies of That Which We Are. One must “let go” of all that was “thought” or programmed in order to embrace a level of Light that can BEGIN to reveal what is Real.

So here is a brief overview of the stages I went through last week:

Sept 22 – 24, A failed attempt to pull me into the darkness.

Some would call this experience a direct attack on me from a dark force. I do not. I give it zero power. I see it as a general “program” of waves of fear that are amping up through a variety of methods. Trust me, the details DO NOT MATTER. The desire for details sends us back into the pit and we are easily defeated again. Remember, this is our grand opportunity to transcend the egoic stories and identities, not engage with them. I felt this force “give up” on me the morning of the 24th. All because I remained in unceasing prayer and did not engage with it. There was not enough unconscious debris in my being for it to trigger – this being the primary reason that this lower-matrix reality is easily perpetuated. (If we remain in fragmented consciousness, we can be triggered and therefore controlled.) I collapsed when it pulled back its grip and I slept deeply. It took me a few days to recover my core balance through the dialogue, inquiry, and prayer. This is when the dream came to provide a “status update.”

Sept 27, The dream of the Great Room.

I seemed to be entering a new place with a group of people in an “edge-of-reality,” hotel-looking environment. People were gathering as if in a Red Cross-type facility. I wandered in without “checking in.” I noticed the beds in the facility were big with powder-blue fuzzy bedspreads. I then found myself in what was a dimly-lit room. I immediately smelled gasoline and began actively sensing and questioning whether I was in the right place. An unused baby diaper lay on the nightstand to my right as if it had been abandoned in a rush to get out. I felt the increasing potential for explosivity, so I left the room. I went to the front desk of helpers. They were kind and seemed pleased that I found my way there to inquire further. When I told them about my experience they seemed to know about it and then pointed me to the Great Room. It was great and grand, indeed. The bright sun was streaming in through many windows that met the high ceiling in a wash of beautiful light. There were cheerful people all around. I went to my bed in the center of the Great Room to “finish” making it. Clean sheets were already on. I picked up the neatly folded powder-blue spread and began placing it on my bed. I noticed a large water stain on it that was yellowish-green in comparison to the blue. It didn’t bother me, as I knew the bedspread was clean. I felt honored to be re-using it. It was simply evidence of a past flood that other people like myself had lived through. I felt so good here. It wasn’t luxury, but I had a beautiful community of others with me who had also “survived.” I felt safe and so very grateful to have arrived in this Great Room of Light.

Sept 27, The message.

I will not have time to fully transcribe the verbal transmission today. Here is an excerpt, which is the opening of this message. I will share it in its entirety in a “Part 2” in the coming days.

It is I. Those who are present here now in this Great Room, welcome. You will learn. You will come to know that things work differently here. You are no longer connected to the darker energies. You are now …
… is to have this reflected for you, to be seen. And therefore, more of your codes, your inner codes, seeds within you, come alive and begin to grow… Sound of Now Messages: IfYouAreHearing.092720 (excerpt)

I do hope this all came together in a clear way. I wrote it very quickly. To be continued…

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Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and is actively listening, unpacking, and integrating the Divine codes within. After many numinous experiences, she receives guiding messages for our evolution in consciousness and is here to help others remember the inner cosmic highway within. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of the Divine Feminine, evolving consciousness, and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional contact.

Eileen’s website: While this website is due for an overhaul, there is further information about Eileen’s story here, info about private sessions, and also upcoming events.

Eileen’s book on Amazon —
Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises

Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini. 



My job is to tell you what I see coming and how to prepare. As I reported in The New Light – Part 1, soon we will be tested, and to a degree that we have not experienced to date. Whatever that looks like for you, both individually and collectively, through your belief systems in “other” or if you’ve done the work in anchoring this Light within you, you will likely experience more blatant manifestations of the dark. It is up to you how you move through this challenge. Will you break the spell or agree to it? We have already witnessed this darkness vigorously promoting fear as it has become less and less interested in hiding its appetite for control. Why? Virtual Reality 2.0 requires your energy and participation. We are at the proverbial crossroads. Fear goes one way (contraction). Love goes another (expansion).

Hopi Prophecy Rock

While the next virtual-reality world awaits more participants, many of us are actively reorienting to our natural state or present-moment consciousness. It is here that we no longer dabble in or pontificate upon the materialist view of consciousness, but we actually engage with our lucidity. And yes, if you have experienced a lucid dream, plant medicines, or an out-of-body before, it is very much the same feeling of, “Yikes! Expansion can be bizarre and scary!” Inherent within the experience is an oh-my-god feeling of infinite potential to create, to be, to do anything. No limitations. It is a wonder to feel the thickness of the Light, and the glory of swimming inside that more-real-than-real way of being. As direct experiencers, this is what we gained entrance to when our individual spark of light aligned with the LIGHT, and in our own ways, we experienced something far more than we were told was possible. We saw and we knew the Truth. And then we returned to the old world and found that contracting back into that hot mess was the hardest part: Will I choose the Light and break the spell? Or will I agree to it all over again?

A message from 2007:

When this frequency is felt by your body, and it awakens, it does not return to the deadened state. Even though the mind will say, “We need to be small again, so stop that celebration now. We do not want to …
… …from this point forward you will not be able to make the old life work. And at the same time you are being led to wholeness if you choose it. Sound of Gold Files: Attunement.080307 (audio file transcription)

And yet, even after all of this, most of us are still teetering between worlds. Welcome to the razor’s edge of consciousness. The downloads-messages always informed me that we would need to do this together. We must have the reflection and mirroring as we move forward. While the old world contracts and gets weirder by the minute, those who are expanding have their own adjustments to make. Trust me, as a lifetime experiencer, I can attest to the weirdness of expansion. It’s been a wild journey, and continues to be so. I am grateful to all of you for being here at this time, and for the courage to join me as we “step up” into the Light.

Below is the balance of the verbal download I recorded on Sept 27th. The beginning paragraph of it is in my previous post, The New Light, Part 1. This Presence is speaking directly to those who are expanding.

If you are here now, in this new space, you will have let go of old definitions, old terms, to describe these things. In this space, you feel it directly and you share in your own words what this feels like. …
… under the sun in the previous world. You have transcended that world. Therefore, this is new. With infinite potential to grow, to expand, to create, to celebrate. Sound of Now files: IfYouAreHearing.092720

Featured image is a photo I took at Salmon Cascades (WA) on Sept 28, 2020. I didn’t notice the shape of a light being in the tree to the right until I was sifting through pics to post to Instagram. It was a magical feeling there. Like I was in a new world.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is em.head_.shots_.1.crop_.jpg

Eileen is an author, mystic, songstress, and is actively listening, unpacking, and integrating the Divine codes within. After many numinous experiences, she receives guiding messages for our evolution in consciousness and is here to help others remember the inner cosmic highway within. She has been an invited speaker and facilitator on the topics of the Divine Feminine, evolving consciousness, and the deeper meaning of extraterrestrial, or inter-dimensional contact.

Eileen’s website: While this website is due for an overhaul, there is further information about Eileen’s story here, info about private sessions, and also upcoming events.

Eileen’s book on Amazon —
Koyopa Contact Within: The Plumed Serpent Rises
Koyopa: (n) lightning [Momos]; inner soul (receives supernatural messages)
from the Language of Mayan K’iche’. It is the Mayan term for Kundalini.


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