Straight from the Heart – October 1, 2020

A Channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner September 30, 2020
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. You have my full attention from the Earth Council and for the earth. 
Much is at stake right now and we are fully committed and involved every step of the way. We are a part of the bigger galactic picture where only the highest good of the earth and life on earth is paramount. 
Gateways and doorways are opening so more light can reach those in need to assist with the ascension. We are helping in a myriad of ways. Even though humanity is feeling the push for change, the acceleration of the light, along with time speeding up, are taking precedence. 
Some are stumped and are wondering what the strangeness is about. It is part of their awakening. Even though in some areas of the planet there is smoke, please realize that this is a smokescreen and that much is happening behind the scenes.
The landscape is changing and humanity is clearing within, where they live, and along with earth. It is not easy to let go and we are challenged as you are challenged because we feel and know what you are going through. This is a necessary change as difficult as it is. 
Humanity must go deeply within to learn about themselves and to create some type of adjustment and awakening about what is occurring on the planet. From our observation we see that humanity was living a lie. Many peoples’ lives were unsustainable. The earth could not continue the way she was living either. Now you have the rising consciousness with many more people awakening and preparing to move into the fifth dimension and higher. We can tell you that some people are feeling the difference. We can assure you that the awakening is real and that life as you have known it is changing completely.
We know that change is uncomfortable but it is necessary. The light is drowning out the dark. Soon you’ll understand more of what we mean by this. Please do not try to comprehend everything with your mind but use your hearts to feel the love and the light that are present now on your planet.
Take nothing for granted. Be grateful for all that you have and for what comes to you. Be respectful of yourself and your role in the ascension. Take excellent care of your bodies. Get help when you need it. Have the courage to let go of what is no longer serving you. Replace fear with faith and love. Respect and honor the process of ascension that you are living through right now. Make light of things that used to seem so important but are no longer are because your values are changing.
Thank you for being a part of the ground crew, for your hard work, and for your diligence with the light.
I am Mira with loving confidence in you
Dear Ground Crew:
Here is the latest information from Apollo: September 30, 2020, “You have reached the Apex at the end of the old way of living. The new earth and the new way of living are on the horizon. Think about it! Begin to feel the Golden Age coursing through your veins. You are changing. You are experiencing the end times. No longer will earth experience the trials and tribulations of the dark controllers. You are seeing it fall apart before your very eyes. All is well for you to live perfect lives on a perfect planet. Get ready! You have a New World to behold.”
Copyright: © The Ground Crew 2017-2018. All Rights Reserved.   


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