“KUNDALINI”September 19, 2016 by ranandaatchakra8


Archangel Metatron by Glenysss BourneKundalini is the energy of The Divine Mother as She manifests as “The Soul” in each individual being. In Her unawakened state, She sleeps at the base of your spine, and when you experience spiritual awakening, She is alerted to the fact that you have started out upon the spiritual path, and is also awakened. On the spiritual path She then acts as your guide as you cleanse yourself of the dark energies that are constricting your chakras. This self-cleansing results in the opening of your lower chakras. The Kundalini is then able to ascend through them toward your Crown chakra. When all of the lower chakras have opened, up to and including the Crown, She breaks through at the Crown chakra and takes Her ascended place in your Higher Heart chakra. At this point you have become a “Realized Soul” and you are at “The Gate To Christ Consciousness” and fifth dimensional awareness.

Chakras are like donuts; the Kundalini energy rising from the base of your spine must pass through the hole in the middle in order to rise up through the subtle energy channel (“Sushumna nadi”) in your spine in Her ascent toward your Crown chakra. If any of these chakras is constricted, the Kundalini is prevented from rising strongly because She must squeeze through the constriction before She can ascend further. The Kundalini is rope-like, with strands, and if She comes to a chakra that is constricted, only a few of the strands can penetrate through the hole in the middle of the `donut’, so she cannot rise strongly, up toward the Crown until the reason for the constriction is addressed and corrected. Such reasons can be physical ailments in the area of that chakra, bad habits, or thoughts or actions that are not in line with your highest good.

When the Kundalini has penetrated through the Crown chakra She connects to the Kundalini of everyone, everywhere, and you can `feel’ the chakras of any particular person, in your fingers and parts of your hands, as well as in your own chakras, simply by putting your attention on that person.

When you have passed The Gate to Christ Consciousness by opening your “Higher Heart” chakra, the Kundalini starts to rise above your Crown chakra, and She ascends gradually toward your Higher Crown chakra as you open the other two higher chakras; “Fourth Eye” and “Higher Throat” chakras. The Kundalini is twisted like a rope and rises to a point like a Unicorn’s horn, and this is where the symbol of the Unicorn has it’s origin. The star on the end of the `horn’ is where the Kundalini unites with the Higher Crown chakra and you become a fully Christ Conscious Soul.

Love and Light from Rananda on 12th May 2012.



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