ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: ‘Project 8200’, US Army Remote Viewers – De-Classified


Source – beforeitsnews.com

– “…Project 8200 was an effort within the US Army’s remote viewing unit to verify claims of subterranean extraterrestrial bases made by CIA analyst Pat Price in the 1970s…Project 8200 data suggests the locations relay information to a “deep space” platform of unknown origin, sitting on a sort of tether to Earth”

Project 8200: US Army Remote Viewers – De-Classified

What they show are the apparent confirmation by several other gifted remote viewers that a “network” of underground bases exists across the world for the purpose of “relaying” something into space. As elite viewer Joseph McMoneagle and Atwater discuss in these tapes, Project 8200 data suggests the locations relay information to a “deep space” platform of unknown origin, sitting on a sort of tether to Earth.

It is not suggested in the file, but after review, we think it’s reasonable to ask if a Lagrange point (positions in space the Sun and the Earth’s gravity create islands of stability) explains why the object McMoneagle sees remains “fixed” there. The deep space platform is described as ancient but with new technology. Other viewers describe the bases as a strange mix of natural and artificial formations.



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