Mutual Liberation Continues as 4D Reptilian and 3D Human Matrices Switch Over To 5D: Coronavirus UPdate March 20


Mutual Liberation Continues as 4D Reptilian and 3D Human Matrices Switch Over To 5D: Coronavirus UPdate March 20

By Jelelle Awen

With so much being reset in humanity’s 3D Matrix with the Coronavirus seemingly being used a smokescreen to divert from activities that are assisting with this process (as I’ve been sharing about), I’ve been curious about how the Reptilian AI 4D Matrix has been impacted. I checked in with Simone my Reptilian aspect, who has been serving as an ambassador to her species for several years now to help those that are ready to leave the Archonic programming and discover their true essence again. I have also served many women in session space with Simone (who keeps changing her name!) where we have liberated their Reptilian aspects together, unplugging them, and reminding them of their Divine essence. It is always a touching and very inspiring process!

Simone and other Reptilian sisters/brothers offered me reassurance in January that the Artificial Intelligence program that created/projected both the 4D Matrix AND 3D one was being reset and offered to upgrade by a ‘love virus’ to shift its program from suppression and control to liberation. She actually used the word ‘virus’, which I find quite fascinating now! I can see now that their 4D Matrix needed to start shifting first in order for humanity’s to follow afterwards.

I write more here about the Reptilian Self and the 4D Matrix, including a guided meditation to meet your Reptilian Self (a helpful process right now with so much transition going on in both dimensions):

This is what I was offered back in January, “My Reptilian sisters told me that there is a dissolving happening of their One Mind Matrix and many more of their species is choosing to disconnect from humanity and Earth, to let us go….and go to the planet that has been offered to them that fits their make up better. This is significant movement for them and, therefore, for humanity as well. This process of the Matrices of control dissolving on all levels is a significant aspect of our ongoing Ascension process. In 5D, there is no need for control matrices any longer.”

I feel that the letting go of humanity by the Reptilians on a deeper level is what we are seeing now. We are ‘landing’ in our own timeline now, many more souls awakening to the 3D Matrix reality (in whatever ways they are meant to come to that discovery), and that this is already and ultimately leading to a major shift in how we experience daily living toward New Earth/5D frequencies. Now that many more souls (and their Inner Masculine) are freed up from the daily grind of work and staying so busy, they can start to turn inward, connect with their families, begin to ask important questions about the meaning of their lives. Many more souls have the opportunity to awaken as a result of being ‘freed’ from the Matrix in this way.

I have been sharing about a mutual liberation process for a few years now that is needed on both levels, humanity’s reality and the Reptilians, and to move out of an ‘us against them’ polarized consciousness that just keeps us stuck in fighting and battling an ‘enemy that is suppressing us’. As I check in with Simone now, I get the same message. To check in if our consciousness is drifting toward fighting anything, an enemy, or lashing out in outrage. This is easy to slip into as parts of us search for The Answers and The Truth as to what is ‘really going on’ with this coronavirus as it is impacting so many of us at once.

Simone showed me a cozy bonfire in the middle of a battlefield (felt like a lower 4D space). This bonfire is a beacon to those who are ready to come sit by it, receive its warmth, and come in from the cold energies of so many lifetimes of the 3D polarity experiment. It is around a bonfire such as this one that the resolutions and the negotiations can occur. The Reptilians seem to be shifting more into this space while humanity is moving more into the fighting/waking up stage of liberation. I don’t feel any judgement around these phases from the Divine….just the ultimate invitation to move into ambassadorship, peacefulness and centeredness, groundedness in our hearts and beings.

I can also see many light BEings surrounding and supporting this bon fire, energies that I recognize as Arcturian, Pleiadian, and Sirian as well. These BEings are connected to us collectively and intimately as Star Family and can provide a stream of support and reminder of our galactic consciousness during this time of transition. They are beaming in codes of Infinite Love to remind us of our Divine nature.

This is a guided mediation I did offering Infinite Love Ascension codes w/background music that may be helpful:

The energies I am receiving from them is the same as they have been for many years now…They are here, they have never left us, and they deeply desire for us to be free on ALL levels and move into our sacred humanity. They are also inviting those of us who have been woken up to these realities for many years to step into more service and sharing, to be a bridge for those that will understandably be uncertain, afraid, and shocked by what is being revealed and the death/rebirth process of their 3D Self.

Going within to access YOUR soul’s truth, your soul’s support systems, and your higher timeline serves to guide you during this time in the ways that are of the highest good for you and therefore ultimately the collective too. Taking in too much of ‘outside’ perspectives may require going back inward to digest and land back in what you feel is more resonant for you. Landing back in your heart, in your soul, and in love!

Much love to you as this significant reboot/switch over deepens and expands!

Jelelle Awen

Here are all the writings and videos we’ve done about the coronavirus:

1:1 sessions available with Jelelle for women and with Raphael for men/women to bridge to the soul support systems and aspects that can provide guidance and digestion now. More info here:

Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about  1:1 individual sessions with her for women and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit  


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