Enter Embodiment Process Completion Phase July 14, 2019 – Denise LeFay


Enter Embodiment Process Completion Phase

I recently received an email question from Maria who has generously allowed me to quote her so this discussion can take place in an article. Thank you Maria. ❤ I know a lot of people have had this same question and confusion for many of these ascension years.

“Dear Denise, Could we as a group just CLAIM ascension to 5D NOW. The destruction to the planet is so great. Living here is made so painful and difficult. Waiting for the masses to wake up is useless. Could we all just DO IT, just tell the Universe WE WANT IT NOW? Just let us do it. Waiting for it m…

We don’t need to claim fifth dimensional ascension because we’ve been in it for a few years already, fully with the start of 2013. And I could not agree more that ‘waiting for the masses to wake up is useless’, so anyone still waiting for this, or anything or anyone else, stop squandering your precious Ascension Process days. Stop waiting and continue doing what only you can do within your personal Ascension and/or Embodiment Process. Forget about everything else and get yourself where you want to be right now. For most of us that is constantly living in and from your HighHeart while continuing to Embody more, higher and greater into your body and self. That is the formula that gets each of us to NEW Earth faster than anything else; more Source YOU Embodied. No intellectualizing it, just doing it continuously from your HighHeart.

First Everythingers, Forerunners, this has never been a passing of the baton relay race. It’s been about us going first to trail-blaze evolutionary migration routes, to energetically Path-pave the way to the higher NEW for those individuals ready to exit the old 3D frequencies and realities and evolve vibrationally behind us. We never stop doing what we do and wait for anyone. We continue doing our jobs which has been to become the NEW Earth ascended Collective, and we have, and Consciously Create a NEW matching frequency place to migrate to. All that and much more is done by us doing it all in our physical bodies. HOME is and will continue to manifest externally the more each of us internally Embodies more of our Higher Self/Selves/Soul/Source-as-NEW-Self in our physical bodies. We are the living physical Alchemical containers that this entire Ascension Process is happening through in the physical. We don’t wait, we live it and Embody it.

There’s been a lot of incorrect, distorted and/or not fully understood information put forth on the Internet by well-meaning people—and many who weren’t—about the Ascension Process. Obviously this has made the whole business even more difficult for most people because it’s always been about who do you trust that’s writing, talking, teaching about the Ascension Process online? Whose been feeding you information that you want to hear? That you hope is true? That you believe is going to happen? Whose been selling you exactly what they know you want to hear? Whose been pitching continued dis-empowerment by telling you that you don’t have to do anything to ascend, to evolve? Whose been selling you that they can remove negative entities, attachments, energies etc. from your physical and etheric bodies for you? Whose been your go-to ascension guru and/or fixer? How much has it financially cost you? How much has it spiritually cost you?

A lot of people have taught, and many readers have believed and expected, that nearly all 8 billion humans alive on Earth now will, and with great joy, lightness and happiness, skip together hand-in-hand at the same time to the NEW ascended Earth. Not how it happens people, not this time because humanity is not nearly evolved enough to be able to all go together at the same time.

A lot of incorrect ascension information has been spread online about how everyone needs to wait for other humans to get with the Ascension Process program. This incorrect belief was another of many designed and intended to run out the ascension clock by those who don’t want humans to evolve now. Feed people endless lies about the Ascension in hopes that they miss it altogether because they were intentionally sidetracked, duped, derailed and had their consciousness intentionally re-directed AWAY from actually living the Ascension Process and to endlessly wait.

(1) The law of Free Will is still in effect in this cosmic neck of the woods so even though the Universal Ascension is taking place in our lifetimes, that does not mean and has never been a guarantee that all 8 billion humans alive on Earth now will experience the Ascension Process in their current lives and bodies. The possibility for that to happen has always existed, however, not every human incarnate now wants to evolve now or is capable of doing so at this time.

There’s still very many people who want to continue existing in the old patriarchal energies and no one, not even Divine Source is going to twist their arms and force them to take advantage of the present energies driving Universal evolution. The Ascension Process is done by choice, by a person wanting to evolve, wanting to become free, to know more, become empowered, be willing to take on more personal responsibilities and so on. Individuals who want more get more. Individuals who want what they’ve had will get even worse of it until they become tired of it and finally choose to evolve. Do those of you reading this honestly believe that you have the time to wait for anyone in that group? It could take many of them another Great Round of 225–250 million years before they’re ready.

(2) It takes individuals who’ve chosen to evolve being Alchemically energetically activated, altered, improved, expanded, upgraded and EVOLVED by the very energies present now to do exactly that. Each person has to live and embody the NEW higher energies, codes, DNA, rewiring processes, transformations and much more so they and their physical body can withstand such a profound evolutionary energetic leap from one dimension and matching frequency (old 3D), all the way through the old 4D Astral and reach the NEW 5D and matching energies of individual integration, re-unification of what had been separated in you and your physical body and self. Divine Source provides everything every being needs to naturally and organically evolve. But, if you trust a human more than Source generated evolution, and want to pay those humans to supposedly do your Ascension Work for you, then I’ve got some swamp land for sale for you!

Why Does It Still Hurt So Much?

“Get up, stand up: don’t give up the fight
Most people think
Great God will come from the sky
Take away everything
And make-a everybody feel high…” — Bob Marley, Get Up, Stand Up

Another common misunderstanding many have had is about why they don’t magically stop hurting physically because they continue Embodying more and more of their Higher Self/Soul/Source-as-NEW-Self. We all have had the unspoken belief or expectation that the more of our Higher Self/Soul/Source we Embodied the less pain—and exhaustion—we’d experience.

Sorry but it physically hurts getting more and more incremental amounts of your Higher Self/Soul/Source-as-NEW-Self Embodied into your physical body! We’ll reach a point where it won’t hurt at all, but until then, it physically hurts getting more vastly higher, faster frequency aspects Embodied into this incarnate you that Volunteered to do exactly this in a physical body. And the Embodiment Process is incredibly exhausting because our physical bodies are constantly expanding, upgrading, evolving, having more NEW DNA activating and running the NEW codes and energetically and physically becoming something totally NEW and profoundly different. So don’t believe that you’re doing something “wrong” again because it’s 2019 and you’re even more exhausted and in physical pain than you were five, ten or twenty years ago.

As if that weren’t enough, add to it the fact that you, me, we have been—many of us from 1999—changing worlds, timelines EVERY time we’ve left our physical homes and apartments to go into the old lower frequency world to do anything. Every time you’ve left your higher vibrating physical house to go grocery shopping, get the oil changed in your vehicle, get your hair cut, go visit a family member in the hospital, go to the mortuary etc., you have left your higher frequency world and reality and re-entered a much lower frequency world reality and had to deal with, interact with and try to communicate with the people that, to this day, still exist there.

I’ve been doing this repeated changing reality musical chairs maneuver since 1999, and it’s been astonishingly painful physically. Re-entering a lower, heavier density once you’ve transmuted much in yourself and your physical body causes great pain and often feels like you’re being crushed by the old density.  The most pain-inducing place I’ve felt was always when I entered my bank. Yeah, old lowly money consciousness and control was the worst. The moment I’d enter the bank my body felt like it was being crushed by that old negativity and density and I’d do my best to not pass-out from it. Today it’s not painful physically to go into the bank. What is painful now is trying to communicate with many, not all but many, of the unaware people that happily exist in the lower frequency Earth world today. They don’t understand me and I don’t understand them and we both think the other one is “crazy” and it’s all just miserable trying to pretend I belong there with them. I really want this to go away quickly too because I honestly cannot understand or relate to most of the people in the lower frequency Earth world at this point of my Embodiment Process.

Your ability to do this, forget about everything else!, is profoundly exhausting and taxing on your physical body, your CNS, your psyche, your whole physical body because you are literally and intentionally changing worlds and then intentionally going back up to where you exist once you’ve gotten the groceries or whatever it was that sent you out and down in the first place. You need to be fully conscious of the FACT that you have, I have, we have been living our Ascension and Embodiment Processes while we’ve repeatedly “jumped timelines”, went from a higher vibrating world into a lower vibration world or worlds. Repeatedly! While Embodying, while everything else, and changing worlds, realities, timelines and frequencies also causes your physical body to hurt like all hell and become even more exhausted. Have you noticed you need a couple of hours or days to recover after you went down vibrationally into a lower frequency Earth world? Your physical pains are caused by both the higher NEW and the lower old. Your “wing span” is very great which is another reason for the pains and pressures you feel in your body. ❤

Those NEW “super powers” are there, underneath the latest Embodiment pains, pressures and incomprehensible expansions. You just don’t always recognize them immediately because of the pains, traumas, ongoing adjustments and your constant expanding perspective. But, you have to have noticed that some of your NEW “super powers”—higher abilities—have been increasing all along and that it’s gotten so easy and fast to Consciously Create now.

Have You Noticed…?

Have you had a dream(s) since June 2019, where someone is trying to get you to do some more cleaning up of the old lower Earth world’s human filth? A common classic dream of this is having to go into a public bathroom and clean up everyone else’s filth left in there.

Have you noticed anyone trying to steer you into something or some place either in a dream or awake that’s of the old lower world recently? I mention this because of the recent increase in the old negativity doing its best to suck anyone back down into it before the Separation Shift completes. ‘Hey little girl, little boy, want some candy?’ the dark stranger offers. ‘Yeah no, I’m good, we’re good’. It’s been kinda like that lately with certain situations and people. Just be conscious of what’s going on and keep doing what you always have anyway First Everythingers. It’s not a threat really anymore at this point, just another sidetrack hustle attempt by desperate Team Dark Portal People. See the monsters but don’t stop to help them. That time is long past.

Have you noticed recently, I know you have, that your perspective on everything and everyone has and continues to change rather dramatically? It makes about everything seem very surreal and strange, otherworldly and fluid. If you’ve been experiencing this, it’s caused by your, my, our ongoing Embodiment Process and how that continues to change our perspective on, well, everything.

As you Embody more and greater of your Higher Self/Soul/Source-as-NEW-Self into your physical incarnate self aspect, naturally your perspective on everything and everyone is changing and will continue to change. You and YOU are merging in your physical body and that is and will continue to cause your view of everything to change and feel profoundly surreal, fluid and transient.

I’ve been doing my best to be consciously aware of this and any other changes caused by my ongoing Embodiment Process for the past couple of years. I’ve found that what used to be important to me isn’t any longer and other things have become deeply important. It makes sense that as we Embody more of our larger, greater Self/Soul/Source etc. into our bodies and selves that that increasing union or re-union is and will greatly change us in ways we couldn’t comprehend before this process started. Keeping this awareness in your HighHeart helps when “reality” gets very surreal again.

We’re in a state of profound transition in more ways than one so just roll with the seeming strangeness and Shifts and don’t hang your hat on anything yet because there’s much more of this to come from here on out. We are in the last phase of the Embodiment Process now in 2019 and 2020, which is why you need to expect the unexpected, remain fluid and flexible in your mind, heart and body and don’t expect you’ve reached HOME until you know you are HOME Embodied right in your physical body. We’re closer to this now than ever before but this last phase should, I suspect, get really interesting in about every way you and I can comprehend today!

Much more to say about all this and I hope we’ll do so in Comments. Keep in heartmind the fact that the Tuesday July 16th Lunar eclipse happening at 24° Capricorn is conjunct the Saturn (17°) Pluto (22°) Capricorn conjunction that’s been in effect all year. This is yet another reason why you may be feeling additionally achy, sick, dizzy, nauseous and generally icky lately. I know, just way too much ascension times fun.  😉


July 14, 2019

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