Laitonn Pleiadian Dolphin 20120725 Aurora Update 24 July 2012


Laura: Good evening Adrial, thank you for all you and our crew are doing for us all. Would you be able to give us some feedback on how did last Saturday’s mission went please?
Adrial: Good evening ground crews. Indeed I am. First I wished to tell you that one of the reasons some of you cannot recall much while asleep is the same reason why they also forget some of the things they had thought during their waking state. Just a clue here: it has to do with your own level of consciousness and own ability of tuning into your subconscious. Have you ever decided that you will have to buy a particular item, and then you forget to buy it? Well this works pretty much the same on an ordinary level. When one has a deep connection within and is one within, one will remember all, whether in dreamstate or awake. However, this is a very high aim for now still. It takes a life time of spiritual work and commitment for this level of consciousness.
So no need to worry if your memories are fuzzy or even non existent for now. Because of the sensitivity of our missions, sometimes you will find you are prevented by your Higher Self or by us from recalling so many things from the missions. It would be a very difficult thing for one to live fully conscious during dreams in 5D and recall it, and during the day to rejoin a 3D life, would you not say?

Now, on to your question. The intel gathered was of high importance indeed and was collected successfully. By the time our reptilian “friends” were able to detect us, we had already obtained all the information required and were onboard of our small craft. The reptilians have a very powerful mind and their senses are highly developed.
The intel gathered should allow us to move on to the next stage of our role here, which also has to do with removing the cabal’s minions from positions of power. Our reptilian friends know that now we know of their plans, therefore, we have a new advantage over them for now. We are dealing now with the final stages of this process of removing the power usurpers and restore a more appropriate order on your planet. This however cannot be done without your active and conscious participation. Which you are all doing by now!
What you know as the awakening process will contribute a great deal in restoring peace in your societies. Imagine for one moment if people who are billionaires were suddenly beginning to help poor countries develop their own technologies. Imagine if people were beginning to work out of interest, passion and good will. How much more dedicated and enjoyable your life would be. Imagine if the discoveries made by your great scientists would be free of access for all, imagine a world not based on profit, exploitation and fear of the one’s superior in work.
We are negotiating with our reptilian friends in order for them to let go of their possessions here. You can imagine how challenging this can be at times, and we in turn must also allow them for something to gain perhaps on other planets. It is always difficult to enter a room for this type of work. Of course, they know deep down that their time here comes to an end, although they wish to make us all understand that as long as they are claiming this planet, and have a hold on Mother Earth, the final say in all talks remains theirs. They always make a point of letting us all know that this world is still for now under their influence.
We thank you for taking part in Saturday’s operations and for working so well on board Aurora on your personal projects with our teams. The question and answers were a success and should you search your own subconscious while you are experiencing inner peace or in your contemplative state, ask yourself for an answer to your most burning questions, and we hope that these will find an answer now within yourself.
We love you very much and admire your resolve. May your heart and journey be in peace. Go about your daily business without any apprehension, we send our love and our souls are connected always.
Adrial, ch











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