NorthPoint Journal for Dec 24 to 30, 2018


NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
December 24 to 30, 2018
by Pam Younghans
THE LAST FULL WEEK of 2018 starts with a few complications, thanks to Mercury being in hard aspect to both Uranus and Neptune on Monday. We’ll need to be flexible when plans go awry, and patient when we’re not able to come up with solutions right away.

These are not major challenges, but Mercury is activating the ongoing Uranus-Neptune aspect, so there are important lessons to be learned about trusting our knowing, and letting go of things that are just not that important — or that perhaps were once important, but are no longer an energetic match for who we are becoming.

TUESDAY IS, of course, a holiday/holy day for many. The Moon is in Leo, putting us in the mood for fun and increasing our need to feel a sense of belonging.

There may be a slight challenge around the time of the Moon-Venus square (1:37 p.m. PST), which sees some tension between those who only want to play and those who want to take relationships to a deeper level. Depending on which side of the equation we are on, we could see the other person as being either too controlling or too immature.

And, since Leo is king of the jungle, there may be some who choose to roar and intimidate — but hopefully any such overly-dramatic demonstrations are short-lived.

VENUS AND CERES, the goddess of Love and the Earth Mother goddess, travel together in Scorpio this week. Their alignment, which is exact on Thursday, supports the deepening of family bonds. But, Scorpio’s passionate intensity and bare-bones honesty could be a bit much for some, and not everyone enjoys being psychoanalyzed at the drop of a hat.

Both Venus and Ceres move into sextile aspect with Pluto later in the week — Venus on Friday, and Ceres on Sunday. This provides further opportunities for getting to the heart of relationship concerns. A new issue arises on Sunday, however, when Juno and Ceres are in opposition. This represents the competition between the Wife and Mother archetypes, which unfortunately can be a fairly normal area of conflict when families get together for the holidays.

FRIDAY may be the most significant day of the week — at least on the astrological calendar. Mars and Chiron align in Pisces, representing a healing of what we might call our “masculine” side. This joining of the god of War and the god of Healing helps clear up some confusion about how to assert ourselves without using force or anger. It also enables us to use compassion in a more forthright manner, which can sometimes feel like a contradiction in terms.

As often as we’ve heard, in our modern age, that it’s “OK for men to cry,” there is still resistance to this idea in most present-day societies and cultures. Many people are uncomfortable when they see a “strong” person show vulnerability. Likewise, many are equally uncomfortable when observing a caring person being assertive.

THIS ALIGNMENT between Mars and Chiron, while it is not likely to miraculously heal the greater divide, can at least support each of us in reclaiming the part of us that we have disowned — either the more assertive or more vulnerable side — thereby helping us become more whole.

It’s also intriguing that when Mars and Chiron align (at 28°04′ Pisces), they also align with two fixed stars: Gamma Phoenicis and Azelfafage. The synchronicity here is that Gamma Phoenicis represents the capacities of ambition and achievement — qualities we tend to think of as “masculine,” while Azelfafage is known to be more domestic and caring — traits we tend to think of as being “feminine.”

We have a bit of a double-whammy in effect here, both through the meanings of the Mars-Chiron alignment in Pisces, and through the added influence of the two fixed stars. As we work with this energy this week, and think about what we want to carry forward into the new year, we might consider adding “a healthy balance of the inner masculine and feminine” to our list.

The Two-Year Journey 2019-2020

Phase I: Into the Heart

Astrological Guidance for January through June 2019

With Pam Younghans

Airing LIVE on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 (4 p.m. PST, 5 p.m. MST, 6 p.m. CST, 7 p.m. EST)

To register, please visit

As we enter 2019, we begin a powerful two-year evolutionary journey that will have great impact on both our inner and our outer worlds. Phase I of this sojourn, which I am calling “Into the Heart,” will take us from January through June 2019.

Two eclipses in January provide the fanfare to start us on our journey. These eclipses, especially the SuperMoon Total Lunar Eclipse on January 21, will serve to shift our attention in powerful ways. Another highlight of the first half of 2019 is on March 6, when Uranus re-crosses the threshold into Taurus. When Uranus first entered Taurus in May 2018, the Earth responded volcanically – leaving us conjecturing what we can expect for this second crossing.

But the most potent time within this six-month period is likely to be in April and May, when a dance between Pluto, Saturn, and the karmic South Node brings society face-to-face with its materialistic tendencies, as a mechanism to catapult us into a more heart-centered future.

In this 90-minute webinar, I will begin by providing more details about this two-year journey that begins in January 2019 and completes in December 2020. I will then describe the most significant astrological events of the first six months of the new year, and their potential impact. During the last half of class, I will walk us through each month, providing guidance based on the planetary activity, which includes several powerful Full Moons and some significant retrograde periods.

I hope you can join us! And don’t worry if you can’t attend live on January 15 — the class is recorded, and all registrants receive an email afterward with a link to the replay and the pdf of the slideshow.

Everyone who registers for the webinar will also receive calendars for January through June beforehand. These calendars show all the important astrological events, and will make note-taking easier.

To register:

Class fee is $33. Payment options and registration may be handled online or by check to Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053.

Questions about registering or payment? Contact Elsie at: or 856.988.7426

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Although Capricorn natives are known for their serious nature and ability to focus on their goals, the calendar year 2018 has required you to dig even deeper into your personal reserves of discipline and objectivity. During this time, you have been completing a cycle that began in 1988 or 1989, and you have gained a deeper understanding about what is most important to you. As you move into your personal new year, you begin a new 30-year cycle, and find that the experiences of the past 12 months have altered something profound in your being. The awareness of this change is what will allow you to set new goals and attain even greater personal fulfillment in the year — and years — ahead.

In Gratitude and Light,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

MON: Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus, Mercury square Neptune
THU: Venus conjunct Ceres
FRI: Venus sextile Pluto, Mars conjunct Chiron
SUN: Juno opposite Ceres, Pluto sextile Ceres

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.


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