The Great Splitting and End of Judgments Thanksgiving and full moon – 11-21-2018


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The Great Splitting and End of Judgments
Thanksgiving and full moon – 11-21-2018

I know many of you are feeling this out there … A strange need for a disconnect from our current world, and the observation of a challenging 50/50 split of humanity.

I am finding the 3D world increasingly more difficult to deal with. I just don’t want to be a part of it anymore… and maybe this is a clue for me and those feeling this, to give some deep attention to. I find our world oddly antiquated, out of date, and immensely over complicated to the point of threatening implosion. Something deep inside my soul says all this complication is completely unnecessary. This triggers a superficial angst… and a deep soul-knowing … in the possibility of being totally free. None of these feelings make any sense at this time, but it is the way I am continuing to feel. Are you feeling this?

So these insights are triggering major questions. Are we in the process of bailing out of a mind-based, highly complicated world? Are we bailing out on a huge system that evolved into something corrupt, that we didn’t envision, that harvests our divine energy in uncountable ways? Are we being set free from the constraints of human programming so we can be our authentic selves? Maybe it is time for this to happen at this point in our evolution. This is something I am watching and pondering at this point in time.

I also wonder how this could play out in our physical world. We are in a “wait and see” mode right now, while staying fluid and flexible. And as the Star Elders have said, what will unfold will be a big surprise (sounds nice), or what I call life unexpectedly coming out of left field (a little more ominous). I know what is now manifesting is not what most of us had envisioned over many years… but I think there is a bigger picture emerging now. Our eyes have been opened further, and now we can see this bigger picture, at least part of it.

“An authentic life well lived should never be weighed down by the mind.” (The Star Elders)

I was having a conversation with a good friend Melody the other day. We begin talking about the great split in humanity that we were seeing. We joked about how humanity has separated now into two very distinct and nearly equal races. This has nothing to do with genetics, social status, popularity, wealth etc….

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After this conversation, I starting thinking about the many things that the Star Elders have shared over the years. So I want to share this… particularly today… as we enter into the holy-days, and in the USA, we celebrate Thanksgiving. You will see my reasoning further down. So hang on, because this might get a little “out there”, especially if you are new to my messages.

Many years ago the Star Elders shared that, by their calculations, 50% of humanity had extra-terrestrial (holy family) DNA. Somewhere in the distance past, there was divine intervention from our cosmic family. Humanity was given a huge boost in our evolution. This could be an explanation for the missing link in anthropology, and also the birth of what we call the holy family linages that mirror in most religions on Earth. Could this divine intervention event in the ancient past be causing the massive split that we are seeing in humanity right now? Because those, with eyes opened wider these days, can see that humanity is separating in to a nearly equal 50/50 split!

Are the ones with the extra-terrestrial DNA going in one direction, while the others are going another way? Please hear this point… The Star Elders are VERY clear that either direction that humanity takes is neither right nor wrong … they are just different paths. There are no judgments to either side. But there is obviously a split happening. We can all see this in our current society.

How this split will play out in humanity, in our physical world, I feel is the surprise the Star Elders speak about. We do not know how this is going to manifest and play out because it is a unknown. So how do we navigate without a compass? Well you have a compass! It is called your heart. And for years we have said to follow it. But now the callings of our hearts are asking us not to make comfortable baby steps, but to make multiple, challenging huge leaps! Each day we are called not to do what we have always known to do but do what we have never done before. Certainly we are out of our comfort zone, everyone is, no matter what side of the split you are living in.

So as we gather with family in these holiday-days, understand that you and others might be on one side or the other. We are past the age where we judge anyone’s life choices. We are past the age where we try to convert another to our belief system. Let everyone BE just who they are and love them. Use your energy to love one another, not to judge or try to fix, because the choices have been made. This is a better use of your energy. Being in acceptance, compassion, and love is the only way that we will anchor peace as this process plays out.

With that said…
Happy, Blessed, Thanksgiving and Holy-Days how ever you decide to celebrate them. May Peace fill your hearts as you navigate these exciting times. P.S. Be flexible for the unexpected “surprises” ahead, and just be who you are… LOVE.

Copyright © 2018 Aluna Joy Yaxkin –

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