Matt Kahn – A Message from the Universe



When tuning into Source, here is what the Universe wanted me to share with you today:
“As the golden rays of summer sunshine fill up the spaces created by our spring cleaning, we rejoice in the radiance that brings deeper moments of self-reflection, inner renewal, and inspired direction. We may not yet know exactly where we are headed, but going backwards is no longer an option. Instead, we bask in the joy of knowing within the depths of our hearts, we have been chosen for the mission of this lifetime and we are fulfilling it, whether we see the effects of our light or not. We are always doing exactly as we are guided to do, going precisely where we are guided to be, and responding from the level of consciousness that opens inner doorways into even higher realms of freedom, magnificence, and perfection. Not because we are doing things right versus wrong, but because we committed to evolving our consciousness within the grace of our human bodies.

Perhaps these channeled words are urging us to stop exactly where we are and to make the choice to rejoice — all that has been overcome and all the blessings on their way. Can we take a moment and revel in the absolute miracle of being a soul in physical form? To be given a chance to manifest our infinite capacity through the majestic beauty, individual characteristics, and unique attributes of who we’ve come to be.

“Please tune into the energy encoded in these words and allow this moment to help you break open and set you free. It’s all here to be revealed. We just need an opportunity to let it all in.”

When we make the choice to rejoice, the human condition is given permission to transform into the gift of life that is here to be received. As empaths and energetically sensitive souls, we know one of our main growing edges is opening up to receive more often, instead of always putting other goals or people first. As a building block to being a better receiver, we are only able to perceive greater gifts to receive, once we rejoice in the celebration of there being gifts to open and take in. Whether we sense miracles on the horizon, or stand in a darkened tunnels with no light in sight, simply by making the choice to rejoice, we anchor the vibration of gratitude, which expands our energy fields, elevates our vibration, and allows our hearts to feel safe enough to remain open.

From this space, life can shift away from bringing us outcomes and circumstances to confirm our most limiting beliefs and begin delivering us the synchronicities, resources, relationships, insights, and guidance that shows us the Divine plan we are always fulfilling that we cannot veer away from or ever get wrong.

Let us come together as a community of energetically-sensitive heart centered beings to rejoice in the arrival of 5D consciousness. It may not yet be apparent in the climate of current events or visible in the actions in others, but Mother Earth is already 5D, and those of us already attuned to her sacred calling are waking up in astounding numbers and at record speed. We’ve done the work, continue to hunker down and dive deeply, and now, we shift into welcoming the arrival of a Truth we’ve been contemplating for lifetimes, by rejoicing in celebration for the light that we are.

“Today, the Universe asks us to help uplift the vibration of humanity to alleviate our own inner suffering and wipe away the despair of others by taking the time to be grateful with renewed enthusiasm and relentless joy.”
If this sounds like too big of a leap, then just start with a smile.

Whether toward another or as a gift for yourself, smile as a way of confirming, “no matter how hard its been, life has a bigger plan for me and my smile confirms it’s coming to me now.”

All For Love,
Matt Kahn
Copyright © 2018 Matt Kahn All For Love, All rights reserved.


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