Your Evolution ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You will continue to evolve, even after the shift is completed. You are not ever going to stop evolving and becoming, even when you return home to Source. There will be times when it seems as though you have to do a lot more work, and there will be other times when it seems that you are moving happily through your lives without much of anything to spur on your growth and evolution.

No matter where you are, no matter what you are doing, and no matter how much you are experiencing right now, you’re always in a growth cycle. The times when these experiences of growing and evolving hit you the hardest are the times you need the most support. They are the times that call for more support, and you have so much support that you don’t need to ask for it. But you do need to accept the support that is being offered.

You do need to let go of control so that you can let in all of the support and all of the love and compassion that is coming your way from your guides, your angels, and other high frequency beings of light and love. Your growth and evolution are inevitable. They will continue, regardless of what you do or do not do, but how you go about facing the hardest parts of your journey will be in large part determined by how much help you’re willing to accept, how much you’re willing to open yourselves up to receiving.

You are not giving up your power when you ask for help or when you receive it. You are demonstrating to yourselves how powerful you are in your ability to receive. You are demonstrating to yourselves that you are a collective. These guides and other beings, they are all other parts of you, and to draw upon the help and support that they offer is just a wise use of your own resources. Your evolution is a group effort.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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