Special FREE teleseminar with Lynne McTaggart and Joe Dispenza

Dear readers
Write it down in your calendars/diaries! My dear buddy Dr. Joe Dispenza and I are going to offer a free teleseminar next Wednesday at 9 am Pacific/12 noon Eastern/5 pm UK/6 pm European time. Joe and I share many things in common. Both of us have our new books out, both of us are fascinated by harnessing the quantum field and we’ve both learned amazing new things about our bodies’ capacities to heal. And. . . we’re both Italians (on my mother’s side), and we’re both from New Jersey!
So keep the time free and we’ll send you info shortly about how to sign up for this amazing FREE event.
The rebound effect of the American Peace Intention Experiment
Just heard from one of my masterclass members, Joanne Brockway, whose amazing story of her European trip with her daughter Jessye features in my book The Power of Eight. Joanne wrote to share with me what happened right after she participated in my US Peace Intention Experiment. 
Joanne takes up the story:
‘Immediately after participating in your US Peace Experiment something amazing happened. My daughter and I were both looking at a year-long course ‘Integrative Nutritional Health Coach’ at an institute in New York.
‘We had both started saving and hoped to start the course some time in 2018 when we could afford to both take the course together. We’d been talking to the college but didn’t yet have the $12,000.00 US it would cost, which would add on a rather high exchange rate, because we are in Canada.
‘Just prior to the US Peace Experiment, my daughter received an email offering her reduced tuition, if she signed up with a friend/relative. An amazing bonus package, including reduced tuition, $2500 off the second tuition (me), a book-course package (from authoring to publishing) and some more great bonuses. It was a limited time offer, but the second student would have to pay the tuition balance in full to register.
‘We had been talking to the school, but it was still a lot of money to come up with in a hurry.
‘After participating in your US Peace Experiment, we received a call from the college, offering us the bonus package and an easy payment plan for both of us. Even with the exchange rate (approximately an extra $50.00 each per month) it became instantly do-able. Jessye and I start our year-long course next week.’
‘Lynne, again and again I’m grateful to you for opening my eyes and heart to the Power of Intention. I’ve seen so many wonderful results. . .since participating in your two Healing Experiments, participating in your 2015 Intention Masterclass, setting intentions with our Proteus Group and participating in the US Peace Experiment. I’m looking forward to continuing to join you in future Peace/Intention Experiments.’ 
Heal yourself as you heal others
Want to enhance your intentions for others and enjoy a rebound effect yourself? Find out how by checking out my new book The Power of Eight.


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