Awakening News 30130408 The Secret Plan To Kill Billions…Including YOU


 by Laura

Reblogged from New World Order Summary:

For thousands of years powerful groups have attempted to create empires, and have dreamt of ruling the whole world. Large, long-lived empires, passed on increasingly subtle techniques of controlling populations, and warfare.

Today’s Anglo-American empire controls most of the world, whilst pretending to promote freedom and democracy. As our privacy and freedoms are reducedevery year, we are moving rapidly towards a global dictatorship, which the elite refer to as a “New World Order”, or “global governance”.

Astronomical “carbon (dioxide) taxes” are intended to fund this world government. Indeed, the Club Of Rome think-tank, has boasted that it invented the idea of man-made global warming specifically to promote global governance.

“Man-made climate change” was finally exposed as a massive fraud by the leaked “climategate” emails.

Funding aside, how is the New World Order being introduced? Firstly, governments carry out terror attacks, such as 9/11 and 7/7, which they blame on their opponents, and use to justify police state powers and wars of aggression.

The “Operation Gladio” bombings in Italy, are a proven example of this “false flag state terrorism”.

The elite also have “weather weapons” and earthquake generating technology, including HAARP. There is strong evidence that governments had prior knowledge of several major earthquakes.

False flag “natural” disasters can also achieve key economic and political objectives.

Staged events are often marked by occult numerology: 9 = end (of the era), 11 = sacrifice to Satan, e.g. Remembrance/Armistice Day (11am on 11/11).

Note anniversaries and intervals also – the Fukushima earthquake occurred 7 years after the Madrid Bombings, and there were 911 days between 9/11 and Madrid. The Tucson Shootings (1/8/2011) took place 2011 days after the 7/7/2005 (777) London Bombings.

Secondly, the oligarchs distract us with popular culture: television, radio, sport, movies, newspapers etc. Much of it contains establishment propaganda. Most of the featured political leaders, are puppets of the global elite, via organizations such as the Bilderberg Group.

Political opponents of the establishment cabal, are threatened, and often assassinated.   Plane crashes (sabotage), fake suicides, and  subtle poisoning,
are preferred methods.

Shootings, involving mind controlled assassins, are used to kill famous targets, and for staged “gun control massacres”. Gun bans preceded genocide in Russia, Germany, and China, etc.

The Obama government has stockpiled huge numbers of hollow point bullets
and plastic coffins. A vote on an unpopular U.N. gun ban was imminent (now postponed), when the “well timed” Aurora Gun Control Massacre occurred. From 9/11/2001 to Aurora 7/20/2012  is 10y 10m 9d – another hidden 9/11.

A third strategy for control, is to reduce our mental abilities with neurotoxins includingfluoride, mercury, and aspartame. These are added to food, water, toothpaste, and especially vaccines.

A dual water pipeline system, with remote controlled mixing valves, enables the selective targeting of  individual households with toxins, and even bioweapons.

Educational standards have also been deliberately lowered, as described here.

Regarding vaccination , autism is extremely rare in unvaccinated children. Many other common diseases are strongly connected to vaccination. These includeallergies and cancer. The pharmaceutical companies get rich treating conditions that they have created.

Many highly effective, safe, and inexpensive, natural treatments for common diseases, are suppressed by highly corrupt drugs companies, partly for obvious financial reasons.

General illness, as well as brain damage, makes people less willing and able to resist the N.W.O. plan. Elitist Bertrand Russell stated in 1953, that populations would be made passive via “diet, INJECTIONS, and injunctions”.

The ruling psychopaths, or “pathocracy”, even spray us with aluminium, barium, and biological agents. Ordinary jet plane condensation trails rapidly evaporate. However, the poisonous “chemtrails”, sprayed mainly by large military jet planes, spread out and remain visible for hours.

Adverse weather, including droughts, can be triggered with chemtrails, and other weather weapons. Billions are made by insiders via weather and foodfutures/derivatives. Affected farmland can be bought cheaply. Higher food prices increase dependency upon governments.

The toxins discussed above, have helped to reduce fertility by 85 percent in the Western World. G.M.O. “food” has also been shown to greatly reduce fertility, andgeneral health, in animal studies. It is banned from the canteen of the largest producer of G.M.O. seeds, Monsanto.

The pathocracy is aiming for a global population of less than 500 million servile people. “Memorandum 200″, Georgia Guidestones, and the Club Of Rome’s “Goals For Mankind” document, discuss this depopulation agenda.

Who are the biggest drug barons? Is it an accident that N.A.T.O. troops are guarding record opium crops in Afghanistan? Some clues – CIA drugs, Skull And Bones Society opium.

Why are most people unaware of the above? Establishment controlled news outlets, and education systems, are designed to keep us ignorant. The C.I.A.’s “Operation Mockingbird” is a clear example of media manipulation.

However, the internet, has allowed millions of people to uncover the truth. Therefore,Globalists publish scare stories about the web, and intend to restrict access to it, via an “Internet2“.

The “New World Order” plan is a vast subject and this summary merely scratches the surface. The legal, financial, and religious practices of the elite, are just as shocking as the above. It is important to move beyond Wikipedia, when investigating controversial topics.

If you wish to educate yourself rapidly, , is a good place to start. YouTube has many videos about the topics mentioned above. Also, the documentaries “7/7 Ludicrous Diversion” (27m), and “Wake Up Call” (2h:29m), are particularly informative.

Please regard this summary as a final wake up call, and spread it far and wide. You can resist the N.W.O. plan in various ways, including non-cooperation, andboycotts/strikes.

George Orwell (Eric Blair) was not a prophet, he was an establishment insider who knew what was planned for mankind. His book “1984″, was more than haunting fiction, it was a crucial warning: the state terrorism, surveillance, and endless wars, that 1984 describes, have arrived.

Indeed, today’s “surveillance society”, is the basis of Orwell’s “Big Brother society”. Laws allowing prolonged detention without trial, and restricting access to jury trials, are also necessary preparations for a police state.

To quote David Rockefeller, an archetypal and outspoken Globalist:-

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” (U.N. Ambassadors’ dinner, Sept 23 1994).

Written by,
John Kimber

Signed by,
Jim Corr – Musician and activist.





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