Self-Observation – Key to Creating Joy

Self-Observation – Key to Creating Inner Joy

How Self-Observation Transforms Your Life Experience

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to talk about self-observation and why it’s essential to creating inner joy. Continue reading to discover how transformational self-observation can be in shifting your life energy to a higher frequency. This is where miracles can happen!


Self-observation is a powerful skill that serves as a compass for navigating the complexities of life and gaining profound self-understanding. By taking a step back and observing ourselves from a distance, we embark on a transformative journey where we can unravel the triggers and origins of our habitual thoughts and emotional reactions.

This process not only sheds light on our inner workings but also paves the way for inner joy and the ability to authentically live in alignment with our truth. Through the practice of self-observation, we cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and open the door to personal growth and self-realization.

Self-Observation & Being a Spiritual Warrior

Self-observation is essential for tapping our spiritual warrior that is infinite. By cultivating mindfulness towards the inner dialogue of our ego and recognizing fear-based emotions that can cloud our perception of reality, we can navigate life with greater clarity and purpose. Through heightened self-awareness, we can break free from reactive patterns and find the strength and courage needed to confront obstacles and adversities.

Through the journey of self-discovery, we as spiritual warriors uncover a profound truth – the greatest adversary lies within ourselves. With the ego at the helm, a never-ending cycle of dramatic conflicts unfolds, sapping away vital energy. Embracing this realization is the key to reclaiming personal power and finding inner peace.

3 Ways to Develop Self-Observation Skills

(1) During a guided meditative experience like we have July 6 at the Cosmic Connections global meditation, you can set your intention to be present to your thoughts, emotions, and physical responses. The more present you are, the more likely you will be able to connect the dots involving beneficial energies and life insights.

(2) When with others in a work or social setting, be present to yourself. Monitor the thoughts in your head and the physical or emotional reactions that arise. Do this without judgment.

(3) Be present to yourself when you are alone. Notice when your mind catalyzes doubts, your body feels uncomfortable, or you experience roller coaster emotions. Without judgment, simply witness yourself.

I look forward to having your feedback on these ideas and how applying them begins to change your life for the better.

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses, Sessions

  • Energies – July 5 Cancer New Moon * July 21 Capricorn Full Moon * August 4 Leo New Moon * August 19 Aquarius Full Moon * September 2 Virgo New Moon * September 17 Pisces Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse
  • Global MeditationsJuly 6 Cosmic Connections * August 17 Full Moon * September 21 Equinox and others monthly on Zoom with professional sound (1.5 hours starting at 6:30pm PDT * call in at 6:15pm PDT for group sharing * benefit further by re-listening to the recording)
  • Divine Changemakers 2024 Course“Spiritual Warrior Changemaker” – Selacia’s brand-new 4-week course starting in September * more info and registration below
  • Divine Changemakers Courses – Join Anytime Dancing In The Fire of Change * ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth
  • Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change Reset July 7-13
  • Personal Support & Astrology 1-1 Sessionsfor deeper work – recorded on Zoom


Thank you for being here with me, and for your ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



* All Rights Reserved *

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Cosmic Connections July 6 Meditation


  • Tangibly connect with your infinite self and your cosmic connections
  • Expand your view of your earthly experience
  • Participate in a guided process to connect with your cosmic star line
  • Benefit from new life insights and enhanced self-awareness
  • Join with other Divine Changemakers across the world in a guided process focused on transforming our world and raising the consciousness of humanity
  • Receive a reset of your energy and preparation to receive fully from the meditation during sacred sound at the beginning of our event
  • Benefit from the Cosmic Connections recording by re-listening for further insights, transformational experiences, and healing
  • Join with others across the world on Zoom (starting at 6:15pm PDT before we start) and at the end – building bonds & connection with others on a spiritual path


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