A Message to Lightworkers – May 24, 2024 🌞


Hello my Friend!

I pray you and yours as well, and integrating the powerful Wesak Full Moon energies as smoothly as possible. They are powerful! 

Today’s powerful Message is from Mother Sekhmet. 

I explain in the video that she came in the other day as I was speaking with the Collective, asking:

WHY so much suffering and struggle on the planet now, when the Earth is on the fifth dimensional timeline? 

Starseed 🌟 Channeling 🌟 Why all the struggle, when the Earth’s in 5D?

She explains a great deal, including:

“Some have volunteered to come forth and to allow themselves to experience the annihilation of culture, or personhood, so as to remove the rocks under which the [dark] ones lie—these ones who steal and kill for their own pleasure and profit.

There are intergalactic forces at work here, as there have been for thousands of years.

They have come from different galactic cultures to steal from Earth . . .

A very old story, as is the manipulation of human consciousness into slavery and dark forms of unconsciousness . . . 

Go here for the video, where I talk about the Message, and here to read the Message on the website.

Both are embedded with beautiful energies of Divine Love, and support for your path.

And if you’re wondering, how close are we to NESARA being enacted — go here to read one of the latest Updates from the White Knights of the Ashtar Command!

Much Love & Light,

P S  The Collective’s Intro to Channeling Course is still available through Your Divine Uniqueness.

Go here to sign up and receive some amazing free gifts.

And go here to read about the Channeling course, discounted now through Thursday, May 30, when participants have their Live Q&A with the Collective.

See if that feels right for you now, whether you’d like to channel just for your own guidance, or to help others as well. 

Also available at a discounted rate, till Thursday, May 30 — scroll down to read about Your 12-Strand DNA: Calling in the Power of the Gold Frequencies.

So many people have been enjoying both courses — their responses have been amazing!

So have a look, and see if either program feels right for you now!


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