New Messages from The Rainbow Scribe


New Message from The Rainbow Scribe


In this sacred month, I am honored to bring forth messages of love and light from the Archangel Metatron, The Divine Mother, and the Divine Goddess – Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Lady Isis. These divine messages are here to guide us through the current energies and offer insights into the unfolding events on our beloved planet.

Additionally, I am excited to share a video that emphasizes the profound importance of gratitude and the simple yet powerful act of saying “Thank You.” May these messages and reflections illuminate your path and fill your heart with peace and joy.

With blessings of love and light, Marlene Swetlishoff



Live from Moscow, Russia
Language: English

Sunday, June 16, 2024
9:00AM PDT (USA, Canada)
12:00PM EDT (USA, Canada)
18:00PM Central European Time

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Say “Thank You” – A Motivational Video On The Importance Of Gratitude

Divine Goddess Message – June 2024

We come on the wings of love, the three of us, to speak with you about the Divine energy that is flowing down into the Earth and into the hearts and body systems of every man, woman and child upon this ascending Earth.
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Divine Mother – June 2024

I come on the wings of love! I am Divine Mother. I come to bring you a message of love and hope. There is much that is going on in your world, much that is being cleared, many energies that are coming up as a result of the great cosmic love energies that are being directed upon your ascending world now.
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Archangel Metatron – June 2024

I come on the wings of love to speak with you about the events that have been taking place and the wonderful transformations that are now occurring upon this ascending planet Earth. You have been diligently performing your tasks and have been coming more into the understanding of your role here on this Earth and that is a wonderful accomplishment for we of the higher realms to see.
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These messages by Marlene Swetlishoff offer insightful and uplifting guidance for those seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment. Marlene’s words resonate with authenticity and provide a sense of hope and inspiration. Her writings touch upon various aspects of life, including personal transformation, healing, ascension, new earth and connecting with higher realms of consciousness. Through her work, Marlene Swetlishoff continues to empower and support individuals on their spiritual journey.

We thank you for being a part of her community of light.


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