Tending Your Inner Garden – Prioritize Your Inner Life

Tending Your Inner Garden – Prioritize Your Inner Life

Get Resourced at Post Wesak Solstice Meditation

Hello friends,

Today I’d like to focus on tending to your inner garden, vital to your well-being and living your purpose. Continue reading for background, and a preview of what we have coming up Saturday at Post Wesak Solstice.


From an early age, we are conditioned to focus on the outer world and how to navigate it to best create our lives. We learn to look outside of ourselves, seeking validation and physical world markers of success. This is an upside down approach, for we neglect what I call our inner garden.

In my examples below, I will illustrate simple ways to prioritize your inner world, discovering the jewels that are found within. You likely do some of these things already. However, when you become more consistent prioritizing your inner being, an amazing transformation takes place! You discover that your outer world morphs into one that is more authentic and in alignment with your soul’s purpose. In part, this is because you are more in tune with your inner being and what’s best for you in each moment.

5 Ways To Prioritize Your Inner Life

Below are 5 simple things you can do to prioritize your inner being.

  1. Begin and end each day with a connection to your inner self and guidance.
  2. Strive to be present during the day regarding planned tasks and meetings – being open to updating either the order of how you do things or changing your approach.
  3. Prioritize meditative moments throughout your day, going within your inner garden for reflection and insights.
  4. Learn to notice when you are stressed, and when you anticipate a stressful situation. Bringing your awareness to it, in the moment, can radically shift your experience. How? You check in with your inner being which can help you override your ego’s fear-based reactions. You may be shown a shift in approach that, when applied, changes the outcome or how you interpret what the outcome means.
  5. Become mindful of when you tell yourself you don’t have time to meditate or go within. Remind yourself that you are an infinite being! Challenge your ego-based idea that your inner life comes second. Then stop what you were doing and tune into your inner being – inviting a creative solution to the conundrum.

Let me know your experience working with these ideas, and how your outer life begins to transform!

About June 15 Post Wesak- Solstice

During Saturday’s 1.5 hour live and recorded Post Wesak Solstice Global Meditation on Zoom, you will be resourced for the coming year on your spiritual journey. Enlightened beings like Kuan Yin and Buddha will be with us. This is an auspicious opportunity to prioritize your inner life and receive insights about you as a soul.

More on our Post Wesak Solstice meditation – with registration – below!

Looking forward to seeing you and your friends Saturday on Zoom! 

Noteworthy Energies, Global Meditations, Courses, Sessions

  • Energies – June 20 Solstice * June 21-22 Capricorn Full Moon * June 15 at Post Wesak is end of Wesak Season that started April 22
  • Global Meditations – June 15 Post Wesak-Solstice and others monthly on Zoom with professional sound (1.5 hours starting at 6:30pm PDT * call in at 6:15pm PDT for group sharing * benefit further by re-listening to the recording)
  • Divine Changemakers 2024 Course – “Spiritual Warrior Changemaker – Selacia’s brand-new 4-week course starting in September * more info & registration below
  • Divine Changemakers Courses to Join Anytime: “Dancing In The Fire of Change” * “ReAnchor Yourself-Live Your Truth”
  • Divine Changemakers Dancing In The Fire Of Change Reset July 7-13
  • Personal Support & Astrology 1-1 Sessions – for deeper work – recorded on Zoom

Thank you for being here with me, and for ongoing support!

Wishing you love and blessings,



* All Rights Reserved *

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