British Monarchy – On Their Way Out? Abundant Living Podcast 🌞


Hello, Friend!

Several people have asked me to comment on what is happening with the British royal family, and so that’s what this video is about.

Soon to be followed by a channeled message from the Collective on the same issue.

This is to do with how the old power structure is fading, and the huge shift we’re in as we move further into the 5D Earth timeline.

Starseeds Know: All Royal Monarchies are Ending – Abundant Living – Ep 36

Go here for the video, and let me know your thoughts! Write a Comments below the video if you’d like. 

Though some may react against some of what I’m saying, I hold positive intent for all of it.

Things must change for our planet to move forward now, to an egalitarian human life where all are Blessed, all are Abundant, all are Free.

Here we are, moving into that by the minute, despite the tumult we see around us. 

Much Love & Light!

P S  Wow — spaces are filing up for our live event here in Santa Fe, New Mexico next Saturday, “Lightwork for Tough Times”!

This will be a beautiful, restorative afternoon in a peaceful and calming atmosphere, with sound healing performances, energy healings, some breath work, channeled answers to your questions, guided meditation journeys embedded with higher energies — and new friends!

Go here for more info: or to sign up.

We will be honored to have you with us! 

Full scholarships are available for those experiencing financial constraints — just email me at and we’ll arrange that for you.

Plus, those who sign up for the in-person ticket(s) are also offered a discounted  channeling session:
$97 for a 45-minute channeling session

$77 for a 30-minute session 

Just email me after purchasing your in-person ticket, and I’ll send you the link for booking your session.

Hope to see you there, whether in-person or online!


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