Special Abundance Call Tonight – Healing Grief & Loss  💜


Greetings, my Friend —

Once more, we are a nation in mourning here in the United States. 

Wherever you are in the world, please join us for a special, Light-filledAbundance Call tonight.

We will be sending Light to those lost, to those in grief, to all children and families living in fear now, and to the issue of mass shootings

We will focus on moving the vibration of the US and our planet to a frequency where these kinds of events cannot occur.

We have all suffered from loss and grief, in many lives.

Tonight, the Collective and our Spirit teams will offer special assistance to help us heal ourselves and others from the heaviness of those experiences, and to release them for all time-space.

Please join us: 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
5:45 PM Pacific / 8:45 PM Eastern
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 6333 0510

[If for any reason the link doesn’t work, no worries — I will send out another one!]

Or Join Us by Phone — See Phone Numbers Below

Please note: If you go to that link before 5:45 PM Pacific Time, you will get a message that says, “Please wait for the host to let you in to the meeting.”

I’ll be on as soon as I can, to let you into the Call.

Much Love to all,


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